Sewage treatment plants

Sewage treatment are a perfect substitute for the septic tank or sump at the cottages, a detached house or single-family homes, where not to clean the sewage effluent other solutions. Choose from a wide range of plants met with by injecting into surface or groundwater.

HYDROCLAR s.r.o. - čistírny odpadních vod

The company HYDROCLAR s.r.o. deals with the development, production and installation of equipment for water purification, treatment and pumping. Other programs include the production of plastic tanks and the production and installation of truck washers for heavy-duty operations such as buildings and quarries. Our company provides design, production and assembly services in the Liberec region, as…

PRO-Aqua CZ, s.r.o.

Services: - supply of technological units and equipment for water purification and treatment - construction of new sewage treatment plants on a "turnkey" basis - reconstruction and intensification of existing WWTPs - supply of control systems for water purification and treatment technologies - optimization of the operation of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants - studies…

Bohumil Sedlák

Commissioning of technological, waste and drinking water treatment plants Advice and consulting activities - field of energy chemistry Authorization - to carry out revisions of 1st class boilers and all types of fuel - to carry out revisions of stable pressure vessels Chemical cleaning of boilers and other energy units Advice and consulting activities -…

Severočeské vodovody a kanalizace

North-Bohemian water supply and sewerage systems operate public water and sewerage networks in the Ústí nad Labem, Liberec and Central Bohemia regions. Comprehensive service in the production and supply of drinking water and sewerage and wastewater treatment. Services:  - waste water treatment plant - waste water treatment plant.  - drinking water treatment and drinking water supply  -…

STAVUM, spol. s r.o.

The company STAVUM, spol. s.r.o. deals with construction works, reconstructions, in their production program you can find: - ecological - industrial - engineering - civil - residential - water management - additions, repairs - design activity - buildings for the energy industry. Everything on a turnkey basis - provision from the selection of the construction site to approval:…


Stavební firma. Revitalizace, rekonstrukce. Speciální stavební činnosti. Výstavba bytových a občanských staveb. Rekonstrukce průmyslových objektů. Betonové činnosti. Výstavba: -železobetonové nádrže a jímky -opěrné zdi, základy a betonové patky -kanalizace. Řezání a vrtání do betonu. Demolice betonových konstrukcí.

EKOS-Žitenice s.r.o.

Design, realization: - water management structures - complete construction of water supply and sewerage, ENT, - separators, retention tanks - construction and reconstruction of wastewater treatment plants, water treatment plants and reservoirs - network budgets - geodetic works - jet grouting - negative and sheet pile walls - implementation of engineering networks and other work.