Sewage treatment plants

Sewage treatment are a perfect substitute for the septic tank or sump at the cottages, a detached house or single-family homes, where not to clean the sewage effluent other solutions. Choose from a wide range of plants met with by injecting into surface or groundwater.

ČERPADLA VRCHLABÍ s. r. o. - Čerpací technika

We work mainly in the field of pumping equipment, water distribution and waste water treatment. We provide comprehensive service in water and industry. We are playfully in the field of technological units, but also the sale of products for the repair of pumps and other machines, and last but not least, in the sale of industrial valves. We provide the following services:  - Expert advice…

Šebesta, spol. s r.o.

Company operation. Design, development, production, assembly, installation, service, export -purification of contaminated water, contaminated with oil products -technology of purification and recycling of waste water from car-washing plants and vehicle washes -hand washing technology, high-pressure units, CW100 unit, mobile, stationary -gantry car washes, brush-type, tunnel, laser, non…

W.P.E. a.s. - Water Purification Engineering

W.P.E. a.s. provides wastewater treatment and surface treatment. Our priority is the supply of wastewater treatment plants for industry, transport and agriculture. We also provide advice on water management and wastewater treatment.  Our product and service portfolio: - chemical waste water treatment plants - water treatment - reverse osmosis - production of drinking water - galvanic…

PROSPECT spol. s r.o.

Design and engineering company PROSPECT spol. s r.o. based in Ostrava is active in the field of capital construction, specializing in the supply of automated technological units and preparation of project documentation. We specialize in water management, heating technology, metallurgy and engineering and gas equipment. In addition to design work and comprehensive services in the field of…

VPK Suchý s.r.o. - Výstavba a realizace inženýrských sítí

Company VPK Suchý s.r.o. focuses on complex construction and realization of engineering networks. Our construction activities include sewerage, water, gas and sewage treatment plants. We also provide transport, water and earthworks. We realize the construction in the area of Prague and Central Bohemia. Construction activities: - utilities - water mains - gas pipelines - rain and sewage -…

INSTA CZ s.r.o.

Company INSTA CZ s.r.o. operates as a reliable supplier in the field of construction and reconstruction of water management and engineering structures. We are engaged in the complete implementation of sewerage, water supply, sewage treatment plants, roads, bridges and the like. We also provide revitalization of squares and housing estates and our project also includes project documentation. …

Martin Šťastný

Firma Martina Šťastného se sídlem v okrese Kolín se zabývá zajišťování odvozu odpadních vod a vývozem septiků, jímek a žump. Současně provádí také čištění a opravy kanalizací a čističek odpadních vod. Nabízí také výstavbu kanalizačních a vodovodních přípojek, včetně zemních a demoličních prací. Působí v rámci celého Středočeského kraje. Služby: - odvoz odpadních vod - vývoz septiků…

Tomáš Moravec - Bagr Trutnov

The company Tomáš Moravec - Bagr Trutnov we perform all earthworks with a crawler and walking excavator. The services I provide include, the implementation of the foundations of houses, sewage, water, gas and electrical connections, landscaping or waste pits. We are located at Pomněnková 440, Trutnov. Services, work: - earth and excavation - foundations of family houses and other buildings …

HYDROCLAR s.r.o. - čistírny odpadních vod

The company HYDROCLAR s.r.o. deals with the development, production and installation of equipment for water purification, treatment and pumping. Other programs include the production of plastic tanks and the production and installation of truck washers for heavy-duty operations such as buildings and quarries. Our company provides design, production and assembly services in the Liberec region, as…

ZAK PLUS - Rekonstrukce rodinných domů Olomouc

We present to you the company ZAK PLUS-stavba s.r.o., which deals with new construction of new buildings and flats. We also provide reconstruction and modernization of buildings, apartments, utilities and industrial buildings, revitalization of apartment and prefabricated houses. We provide road transport, including the removal of construction debris, sand imports and transport of all building…

LESOSTAVBY Třeboň a.s.

LESOSTAVBY Třeboň a.s. je společnost, která se zabývá širokým spektrem stavebních prací. Mezi její hlavní oblasti činnosti patří dopravní a vodohospodářské stavby, které přispívají k rozvoji infrastruktury a ochraně životního prostředí. Společnost provádí například: - výstavbu a rekonstrukci lesních cest, silnic, mostů a tunelů, - revitalizaci a úpravu vodních toků, rybníků a mokřadů, …

Slánská stavební spol. s r.o.

We are a prosperous construction company that is based mainly on an individual approach to customers and the quality of the work performed. Over many years of activity on the Czech construction market, we have implemented hundreds of construction projects. We carry out small, medium and large construction projects for private and public investors. We focus on the construction of family…


Firma VŠE PRO VODU s.r.o. se sídlem Slabce - Rousínov se zabývá problematikou využití vodních zdrojů. Nabízí komplexní služby v oblasti studen, retenčních nádrží a vodních staveb na klíč. Mezi její činnosti patří: - Administrativní činnost, technické poradenství a konzultace, rekognoskace v místě provádění staveb, vyhledávání vhodného místa pro vodní zdroje - Projektové dokumentace a…

EKOCIS, spol. s r.o. - čističky odpadních vod

The company EKOCIS, spol. s r.o. has been operating as a Czech manufacturer and supplier of domestic wastewater treatment plants for more than 20 years. We provide professional advice, installation and commissioning, as well as warranty and post-warranty service. We offer comprehensive services, provide project documentation and help with permits at the authorities. In addition to wastewater…

Vodohospodářská montážní, servisní a obchodní společnost s.r.o.

The company Vodohospodářská montážní, servisní a obchodní společnost s.r.o. specializes in the supply and installation of technologies for disinfection of drinking, pool and wastewater. Our company focuses on larger orders, which we implement throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. Delivery, installation: - water disinfection technology - technology of drinking and pool water treatment …

Kalora a.s. - rekonstrukce inženýrských sítí Cheb

Kalora a.s. provides turnkey orders from project documentation to delivery and installation, including all documents required for approval in the areas of heating, cooling, plumbing, sewerage, gas installation, distribution. technical gases, electrical installations, wastewater treatment plants. For all the above activities and services, we offer processing of price offers according to customer…

ASI-kanalizace s.r.o.

Services: -pressure cleaning of sewers from 40 mm diameter up to 500 mm. -pressure cleaning of rain sewers and downspouts. -pressure cleaning of area sewers. -pressure cleaning of limescale in sewers and waste. -cleaning of court drains. -cleaning of sewage system. -cleaning of floor drains. -cleaning of house connections. -cleaning of risers. -cleaning of drainage channels and gutters.…

BoBaStav s.r.o.

The company BoBaStav, which you can find in Znojmo, deals with the realization of water management structures. Using our own technology, we carry out work on water reservoirs, such as mud removal from ponds. we also provide construction of outdoor sewerage systems and related excavation work.