Sewage treatment plants

Sewage treatment are a perfect substitute for the septic tank or sump at the cottages, a detached house or single-family homes, where not to clean the sewage effluent other solutions. Choose from a wide range of plants met with by injecting into surface or groundwater.


Stavební společnost. Provádění a rekonstrukce pozemních a inženýrských staveb. Výstavba: - inženýrské sítě - komunikace, cesty - chodníky - svislé hydroizolace - ČOV, septiky, čerpací jímky - vodohospodářské stavby. Stavební práce. Autodoprava: - nákladní doprava sypkých hmot a stavebního materiálu. Práce se stavebními stroji. Zemní a výkopové práce. Demolice. …

HELLSTEIN spol. s r.o.

Metalworking. Craftsmanship: - metalworking - welding, welding. Sale: - wastewater treatment plants (WTP) - sewage networks and gas stations - sludge dewatering lines, sludge stabilization - small hydropower plants with Bánki's regulating turbine own design and production - combs, sluice gates, inlet and outlet pipes, belt combs. Delivery, implementation: - septic tanks,…

Stanislav Jurek

Treatment plants, septic tanks, tanks Production, sales, assembly, service: - residential wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) - plastic tanks, cesspools - water measuring shafts - plastic sinks - pumping station (for pumping waste, rainwater and groundwater) - septic tanks, septic tanks - others (communal treatment plants, tertiary treatment, sewage facilities, grease and starch…

GONAP spol. s r.o.

Production, sale, assembly, service, reconstruction: - wastewater treatment plants (WTP) - gas station - sludge dewatering equipment - septic tanks, sumps, plastic tanks - enzymes for removing organ. deposits - sealing - sealing systems - sealing plugs, cuffs - sliding sleeves, limiting sleeves, spacers - sealing rings, surface sealing - protectors, pipe couplings, pipe supports

PKD stavba, s. r. o.

Our company has been operating on the market since 1993 and has a long tradition in the field of construction. We focus mainly on the implementation of land, engineering and transport constructions of various scopes. We are able to quickly and flexibly solve any needs of our clients in the field of construction. Transportation construction: - construction, reconstruction and repair of…

STAVBAŘ - výrobní družstvo

The production cooperative STAVBAŘ will provide you with everything from turnkey construction, roof reconstruction or electrical installation. We also focus on earthworks for which we use our own transport such as trucks, excavators or loaders. Our other activities also include car repair services. Our qualified employees have extensive experience in the field, which is why we will always provide…

H+A Eco Cz s.r.o.

Wastewater treatment - facilities for the processing and treatment of all types of waste materials, waste water treatment plants. Delivery and assembly of investment units, construction work. Ecological treatment of waste.

Sineko Engineering s.r.o.

Sineko Engineering s.r.o. based in the Nový Jičín district, it has been providing its customers with comprehensive services in the field of wastewater solutions for households, capital construction and light industry since 1994. We will design, manufacture and install the offered products directly for you, according to your requirements. Thanks to many years of experience in the field of…

Sineko Enginieering s.r.o.

Sineko Engineering s.r.o. provides comprehensive services in the field of wastewater solutions for households and industry. Development, production, sales, assembly: - treatment plants, sewage treatment plants: - for family houses, establishments, hotels, restaurants, boarding houses from 2 to 500 equivalent inhabitants - consultancy, projects, expert opinions, turnkey delivery, …


Výroba, dodávka, montáž, projekt, záruční, pozáruční servis: - technologie pro čističky, ČOV - pískové filtry, čiřiče, nádrže. Úprava a filtrace vody: - filtrace povrchové, podzemní vody na vodu pitnou - tlakové pískové filtry, kontinuální pískové filtry, oxidace, usazovací nádrže. Čištění průmyslových odpadních vod: - neutralizace odpadních vod - čištění odpadních vod.

KONEKO, spol. s r.o.

Společnost KONEKO, spol. s r.o. je renomovaná firma, která se specializuje na projektovou a inženýrskou činnost ve vodním hospodářství. Nabízíme komplexní služby od koncepce až po realizaci staveb v oblasti odvádění a čištění odpadních vod, dopravy a úpravy pitné vody. Zabýváme vším, co souvisí s vodohospodářskou infrastrukturou. Nabízíme komplexní služby od projektování a inženýrství po…

STASPO, spol. s r.o.

Prodej: - obklady-keramické, kamenné, bazénů - keramické dlažby - žulové obklady-bazény, fasády - mapei-stavební chemie - dlažby-keramické, kamenné, průmyslové - betonové výrobky-betonové potrubí, kanalizační šachty. Provádíme: - inženýrské průmyslové stavby, stavební činnost - kanalizace - plynofikace - vodovody - čistička odpadních vod - čerpací stanice odpadních vod - výstavba RD…

VOKD, a.s.

Construction: - building construction - non-residential premises - industrial buildings - underground and mine construction - construction of engineering networks, sewage, sewage treatment plant. Production: - concrete products - bricks, blocks, bricks, rings, septic tanks - Armory - stirrups, bending of steel, bending of KARI nets - monolithic construction.