Kazimír Kresta
Masonry partitions, plasterboard, plaster, insulation, chimneys and room painting.
Masonry partitions, plasterboard, plaster, insulation, chimneys and room painting.
Activity: - production of plasters - reconstruction of historic buildings and facades
Pokud hledáte společnost, která se zabývá kamenictvím a zednictvím, můžete se obrátit na kamenictví Josefa Sotony. Nabízíme širokou škálu služeb, které zahrnují renovaci památek, zednické práce, výrobu i montáž kamenických prvků, dlažeb, zídek, krbů, náhrobků, křížků, sloupků, koryt, erbů, váz, popelníků, svícnů a pomníků. Používáme kvalitní materiály, jako je mramor, žula, pískovec,…
Earth, masonry and demolition work. Reconstruction and construction modifications of buildings - construction of family houses - insulation of buildings - demolition work - moisture remediation of objects - laying interlocking paving - construction of sidewalks.
MAKOMA stavební firma s.r.o. specializes in thermal insulation of prefabricated and family houses, civil buildings, building reconstruction and new buildings. We provide comprehensive supplies in the field of building construction. We are located at Teplická 411/27, Duchcov. Construction activities: - new buildings, family houses - reconstruction - thermal insulation of prefabricated houses…
Masonry -Preparatory and finishing construction work, specialized construction activities
The company Střechy - Lukáš Payerle performs roofing, carpentry and small plumbing work. We implement turnkey roofs of all types, including trusses, we provide complete reconstruction of roofs and installation of skylights. Activity: - roofing work - carpentry, trusses, trusses, gazebos, prgols, sheds, parking spaces - plumbing work - turnkey roofs - roof reconstruction - laying…
Construction activity - masonry work - construction and reconstruction of buildings.
Masonry Roofing, carpentry -Construction work at height carried out using climbing equipment
machine plastering, self-leveling concrete (anhydrite), insulation of buildings.
Handyman. Work: - locksmith - minor repairs in the apartment -electrical installation -plumbing -garden maintenance -masonry -painting works
Handyman. Repair and maintenance of houses, apartments and recreational facilities - minor and larger works. Installation work. Cleaning work. Transportation of people to the airport.
Ludevít Bihari je firma, která se zabývá zateplovacími pracemi, průmyslovým klempířstvím a suchými stavbami. Nabízí kvalitní a profesionální služby pro různé typy staveb, jako jsou rodinné domy, bytové domy, průmyslové objekty, školy, nemocnice a další. Zajišťuje také drobné zednické práce, jako jsou opravy fasád, omítky, dlažby, obklady a podobně. Firma Ludevít Bihari má dlouholeté zkušenosti…
Assembly, disassembly and rental of tubular, frame and mobile scaffolding. Masonry and construction work.
-purchase of goods for resale and sale -Storage of goods and cargo handling -Mediation of services Masonry
Construction activity - construction of family houses - reconstruction of panel houses - masonry work - tiling works - installation of plasterboards - painting works.
Masonry - construction of a turnkey house, tiling work, insulation of facades