Masonry, Bricklaying

Masonry work involve many sub-activities in the form of linings of exterior walls of houses, repair of outdoor and indoor plasters, buildings, sanitation of the plaster, the reconstruction of residential cores, artistic bricklaying activities, cast floors, plastering or insulation of objects.

SV Potrubí s.r.o.

Cementace vodních potrubí,sanace vodních potrubí. Cementování potrubí. Vnitřní cementace potrubí. Prodej na klíč: -výroba a montáž tepelná čerpadla -s potřebou KW 4-42KW -50KW-1MgW tepla -alternativní zdroje vytápění. Stavební práce. Firma má osvědčení a technologie pro trvalý styk s pitnou vodou. Práce provádíme v celé ČR.

Oldřich Hájek

Balustrades, balustrade railings. Plastering works. Production to order and as submitted samples: - decorative building elements made of concrete for apartments and buildings - column straight or twisted - vase, pedestal, flowerpot, chest - small and large fountain, indoor fireplaces - garden table, oval - bench, statue, garden lamp - window sill, window ledge - balustrade…