Building industry

The construction, design and service activities in the field of construction with a focus on land, transport, underground, water supply and special construction. These buildings then are single-family houses, but also industrial buildings, roads, railways or bridges.

STŘECHA speciál s.r.o.

Asfaltové pásy pro ploché střechy a hydroizolace Kompletizované tepelně-izolační dílce pro ploché střechy Organizace společných nákupů vybraných střešních materiálů Výroba a vývoj vlastní produktové řady asfaltových hydroizolačních pásů ROOFSPECIAL Výroba a vývoj vlastní produktové řady kašírovaných tepelně izolačních dílců pro ploché střechy POLYROOF Odborné pracovní skupiny: STAVEBNÍ…

CDS obchodní a projektové služby, s.r.o

Sale: - BUDERUS equipment and accessories (boilers, controls, DHW tanks, radiators, pumps, etc.) Installation and service: - installation of equipment incl. commissioning, service. Exchange stations: - projects of heating, electrical installation, measurement and regulation, gas connections, construction part, air conditioning of boiler rooms, exchanger stations. Engineering and…

FANS, a.s.

Services: - construction, reconstruction and repair of cooling towers and equipment for cleaning industrial water within cooling circuits. - deliveries of technological parts of cooling towers. - supply, repair and assembly of microcoolers. - deliveries, repairs and installation of fans for cooling towers. - production of equipment for cooling and purification of industrial water. -…

SALOMON, s.r.o.

Storage of inert materials. Sale: - gravel - concrete and mortar sand - quarry stone. Recycling technology. Transport of bulk building materials. Removal of waste and debris in containers. Mediation of construction machinery - cranes, loaders, excavators, etc.

Vitapo s.r.o.

Reconstruction and repairs of all plumbing in the house, repairs of lead pipes, reconstruction of housing cores including the supply of furnishings, all heating work, mechanical cleaning of sewers with a Rowo machine, electrical and masonry work.

Hapon, spol. s r.o.

Production of drilling tools for construction and geology, including tools for the most demanding: -production of machine units - drilling heads -washing, injection and washing factories -self-designed pumps -production and renovation of spare parts for construction machinery - machine chip machining, including CNC machines.

Universtav s.r.o.

Stavební firma. Fasády. Průmyslové podlahy. Projektování průmyslových a občanských staveb. Jednoduché stavby. Občanské stavby. Pozemní stavby. Průmyslová a bytová výstavba na klíč. Průmyslové stavby. Rodinné domky na klíč. Stavební montážní součástky: -ocelové a z nerezové oceli. Nátěry fasád. Opravy fasád. Průmyslové demoliční práce. Rekonstrukce budov.

T P F s.r.o.

Proposals - Projects - Calculations - Assessments - Inspections - Consultations - Software in the area of windows, doors and facades. Consultation, projection, engineering activity: - lightweight peripheral casings - facade construction - windows, doors - static assessments and calculations of glasses - thermal and humidity analyses, calculations and assessments Exclusive software…

ANTA spol.s r.o.

The ANTA project studio deals with comprehensive project preparation new buildings, reconstructions and repairs civil and residential buildings and projects interiors. The studio consists of: - architects - designers of construction professions - designers. Other professions are provided in the form of cooperation with permanent external collaborators. The studio provides…

Ferstav holding a.s.

Construction company Construction services. Construction and reconstruction of buildings: - turnkey constructions -civil buildings -family houses, cottages -construction of flats -commercial objects -buildings -industrial buildings -soil built-ins and superstructures - turnkey interiors. Facades, including insulation -facades, mineral plasters -stucco panel buildings …

Elektrizace železnic Praha a. s.

The company Elektrizace železnic Praha a.s. has been specializing in the development, design, production and assembly of railway traction line elements for railways, tram and trolleybus transport for 60 years. Another field of activity is the supply of electrotechnological units such as traction power stations, substations, transformer stations and substations, incl. remote control. The…

AGA - Letiště, s.r.o.

Project office of the airport, transport, land and engineering constructions. Project office AGA-Letiště, s.r.o. deals with the provision of the following services in particular: - project (studies, spatial planning documentation, documentation for zoning management, construction management, contractor selection and construction implementation, author supervision) - authorization -…