The company Elektrizace železnic Praha a.s. has been specializing in the development, design, production and assembly of railway traction line elements for railways, tram and trolleybus transport for 60 years. Another field of activity is the supply of electrotechnological units such as traction power stations, substations, transformer stations and substations, incl. remote control.
The company's profile fields also include the production and assembly of steel structures, lighting poles and metal processing, including surface treatments. As part of engineering, we offer professional consultations, advice, elaboration of studies and project documentation. The company is undergoing a systematic and comprehensive modernization, the emphasis is on a flexible approach to customer requirements and especially on the quality of work and materials, which makes us one of the most important suppliers in the railway infrastructure in the Czech Republic.
Through our subsidiaries in Slovakia and Hungary, we occupy a leading position in the local markets and, thanks to our export policy, we are also expanding into the area of South-Eastern Europe. Deliveries of traction line elements are also directed overseas.