Buildings, Structures

In the field of construction, you can take advantage of activities, such as earthmoving and excavation works, construction of drainage, utilities, houses, water supply, commercial and industrial buildings, remediation of soils, or also the implementation of transport infrastructure.

Projekt HTL, s.r.o.

The company Projekt HTL s.r.o. focuses on design and engineering activities, technological projects for engineering, forges, smelters and steel plants. Scope: - engineering - metallurgy - energy, water management and ecological constructions - construction industry Specialization in the following activities: 1. Preparation - preparation of business plans, feasibility studies…

PTD stavby s.r.o.

The construction company PTD stavby, based in Ostava and with extensive experience, specializes in the construction of family low-energy and passive houses on a turnkey basis, including the reconstruction and revitalization of brick and panel houses. Family houses on a turnkey basis, including building design and building layout: - energy-saving low-energy buildings - passive houses. …

TEPLOTECHNA Ostrava a.s.

The company TEPLOTECHNA Ostrava a.s. is a construction company with a tradition of performing constructions in the field of heat engineering and high-rise reinforced concrete constructions in the Czech Republic and abroad. At the same time, we are dynamically developing activities in new promising areas of building construction and high-rise and prefabricated buildings. Refractory: -…

SDO, s.r.o.

Construction and trading company. Construction, buildings: - land housing - traffic communication - industrial - agricultural. Reinforced concrete structures, formwork, base plates. Reconstruction and repair of paved surfaces. Work: - earthy - masonry. Rental, rental: - construction machinery and equipment with service. Construction projection.

EL-MO - Ján Ročkár

Elektroinstalace. Komplexní opravy bytů. Montáž všech typů sádrokartonů-podhledy-podkroví, příčky, stropy, kazetové stropy. Montáž plovoucích podlah. Malířské práce (nástřiky). Zednické práce. Zámkové a zámecké dlažby. Výroba: -houpací stojany a ručně tkané sítě.

MAKOS a.s.

Výstavba a oprava mostů. Dopravní stavby. Výstavba: - nové mostní objekty - lávky pro pěší - různé typy silničních propustů (propustky) - mostní provizoria - vozovky. Výroba, montáž: - dilatační závěry mostů. Speciální práce: - sanační práce betonových konstrukcí.

TDO clima, spol. s r.o.

The company TDO clima, spol. s.r.o. has been providing customers with comprehensive services in the field of air conditioning, refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, measurement, regulation, projection, supply, assembly and service for residential, commercial and industrial premises for a long time. As part of its activities, TDO clima, spol. s.r.o. focuses on providing these services and…

DESIA, s.r.o.

The company DESIA, s.r.o. from Ostrava-Vítkovice offers assembly water, gas, heating, gas boilers without capacity limitation, sanitary equipment, boilers, radiators, water faucets, bathtubs, sinks, WC, heating and all equipment. Performs construction activities - e.g. lookout towers, bathroom renovations, demolition work. If you need it, don't hesitate to contact DESIA.