Petrol stations, Filling stations

The service station offers the possibility of refueling of fuel, mainly diesel and gasoline. Some stations have even stands on LPG gas. Provide an overview of the development of prices of Natural 95 and Diesel. In addition to the fuel offers snacks for motorists and the sale of car accessories.

ADOSA a.s.

Transportation company: -bus service -regular scheduled transport in the vicinity of Brno -freight transport (Ing. pavel Čuba) -domestic and international truck transport - super green trucks EURO 2, EURO 3 - transport to all EU countries - service of buses, trucks and passenger vehicles -gas station. Motor vehicle repair shops: - service of buses, trucks and passenger vehicles -…

SMART oil, s.r.o.

Services: - operation of gas stations - construction of PHM, LPG gas stations - construction of propane - butane filling stations of all categories - service of LPG filling stations and propane butane filling stations - installation and servicing of LPG equipment for vehicles - replacements and repairs of car windows with the provision of formalities with the insurance company.

Tank Tech, spol. s r.o.

Dodávka technologických zařízení ke skladování a distribuci hořlavin: - výstavba benzinových čerpacích stanic a stanic na propan/butan a stanice na zemní plyn (CNG a LNG) - CNG-stanice (stlačený zemní plyn) - sklady pohonných hmot, rozpouštědel, olejů a ropných produktů a jejich výdejních terminálů - vybraná technologická zařízení chemického průmyslu a průmyslu barev a laků.