Petrol stations, Filling stations

The service station offers the possibility of refueling of fuel, mainly diesel and gasoline. Some stations have even stands on LPG gas. Provide an overview of the development of prices of Natural 95 and Diesel. In addition to the fuel offers snacks for motorists and the sale of car accessories.

Roman Kroha - RIKRO

The company Roman Kroha - RIKRO operates a gas station, which consists of three above-ground tanks NDN-16 with self-service dispensers BENČ and is equipped with a payment terminal for the public. For contractual customers, we offer the possibility of refueling using a chip with weekly invoicing. We are also engaged in the sale of refurbished double-skin above-ground tanks, dispensers and other…

AUTOMEGA - Husinecký Ivo

Opravy: -osobní automobily. Emisní kontrolní servis. Montáže adapterů LPG. Pneuservis. Autobazar. Autovrakoviště: -oprávnění k ekologické likvidaci autovraků. Prodej: -náhradní díly -použité náhradní díly -příslušenství. Čerpací stanice-Horní Slavkov. Lesní a zahradní technika: -Karlovy Vary-Doubí, Studentská 137/57 tel.353332066.