
Sales of new and used passenger cars, trucks and commercial vehicles, buses, motorcycles, scooters, service and spare parts of brands: Ford, Hyundai, Kia, Mercedes, BMW, Škoda, Peugeot, Citroën, Opel, Volkswagen, Jawa, Yamaha, Volvo.

Roman Kučera

Car rental - personal - delivery Car service of all brands Traffic - tire service Traffic - towing service Truck transport Personal car transport Traffic accident resolution assistance in handling traffic accidents

Roman Koudelka

Kontroly chladicích okruhů automobilových klimatizací včetně plnění Pozáruční opravy - domácí chladničky a mrazáky Montáž - tepelná čerpadla MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC, SAMSUNG, SINCLAIR Opravy a montáže - průtoková chlazení piva, vína a nealkoholických nápojů Montáž a servis - veškeré chlazení Montáž - klimatizace


Car service and tire service: - changing the tire - oil and filler changes - brakes and exhausts - all repairs of cars and vans, motor homes - vehicle diagnostics - body work - preparation and provision of MOT + ME - sale of spare parts, oils, car batteries and accessories - interior cleaning - towing service - replacement of car windows - sale and installation of car security GPS…