The energization of rotating permanent magnets dynamos and ignition - repairs of alternators and starters even on vintage cars Minor fixes - motorcycles
Sale - spare parts and accessories for cars and vans Exchange - auto glass Car service - preparations for MOT Tire service E-shop - spare parts and accessories for cars and vans Importation - cars from Germany
Autobazar - osobní automobily ALFA ROMEO, AUDI, FORD, ŠKODA Úvěry na automobily, motocykly a skútry Poskytování - leasing (automobily, motocykly a skútry) Soudní odhady automobilů
Opravy karoserií metodou Smart Fix kroupy, promáčkliny Nástřiky spodků Výměna - autoskla Autoservis - diagnostika vozidel na PC - příprava vozidel na STK - renovace veteránů Pneuservis Odtahy vozidel STK Tuning karosérií Autoalarmy Plnění klimatizací
Driver training Assistance in traffic accidents Legal assistance for traffic offences
Prodej - pneumatiky. Pneuservis.
Sale - spare parts - car and motorcycle accessories Sale - ATVs CAN AM, POLARIS, SYM, TGB - representation of SUZUKI, KAWASAKI, HONDA, YAMAHA Service - motorcycles - scooters - quad bikes - representation of the Can-Am company
Car dealership - AUDI, CITROËN, FORD cars Importation - AUDI, CITROËN, FORD cars
Automotive electrical work Repairs and renovations - motorcycles Car service preparations for MOT Tire service Security - MOT - emissions
Lease - luxury limousines with a professional driver Mediation - transport by helicopter and airplanes Flight training
Importing used and new cars from Germany. Sale - used cars from Germany.
zánik poslední živnosti: 21.5.2014 Prodej - autoskla. Výměna - autoskla osobní, nákladní a užitkové automobily.
Eshop - motorcycles - minicross - minibike Eshop - motorcycles - minicross - minibike.
Lease - trailer trucks Service - motorcycles - cars, conversion of cars to LPG - preparation for MOT Tire service Towing and assistance service
Purchase, sale, commission sale: - cars - commercial vehicles - motorcycles.
Car service: -car repair -replacement of auto glass - diagnostics - body work - car electrical work Tire service. Vehicle towing.
Sales, installation, replacement, repair, service: - car windows, car windows Sandblasting of VIN code.
Provided services: - towing service - car service: - Cars - preparations for MOT and emissions measurement + their provision - minor repairs, oil changes - tire service: - sale of new tires - cars and vans up to 3.5t - tire repairs - disassembly, assembly and balancing of wheels - interior cleaning