State and local government

State and local government can solve your problems and issues in the field of safety, environment, finance, statistics, construction and management of roads, heritage matters, or also in the areas of energy, food, school and business inspections.

Obec Vítonice

The small village of Vítonice is located near Znojmo in the South Moravian Region at an altitude of 202 m. It has an area of 5.75 km2 and 248 inhabitants. It extends in the lowland of the Dyjskosvratecký valley. The first written mention of the village dates from 1351. An interesting feature of Vítonic are the storks, which first arrived, nested and raised their young on the chimney of the…

Obec Vracovice

Municipal office. Cultural and sports facilities. Some events of social life in the village: -firemen ball -organizing a children's day -for children farewell to the holidays (fishing competition) -carnival -general ball Office Hours Tue: 8: 00-18: 00 - accountant 17: 00-18: 30 - mayor Thu: 8: 00-14: 30 - accountant 18: 00-19: 00 - mayor

Městys Vranov nad Dyjí

Městys. Počet obyvatel 875. První písemná zmínka o hradu Vranov pochází z roku 1100, je uvedena v Kosmově kronice. Vranovu vévodí monumentální barokní zámek Vranov nad Dyjí. Pod ním se rozkládá vesnice a přilehlá Vranovská přehrada - Vodní nádrž Vranov. Kultura a služby: -vranovská přehrada, možnost ubytování, camp -matrika, stavební úřad -pošta, sbor dobrovolných hasičů, policie …

Obec Vrbovec - Obecní úřad

Municipal office. Population 1046. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1243. The village has a winemaking tradition, and winemaking is still its most prominent feature today. The village of Hnízdo also belongs to Vrbovac, which lies 3 km southeast of it. Vrbovec is a border village located in a fertile agricultural landscape 7 km south of Znojmo. The village has a…

Obec Želetice - Obecní úřad

Municipal office. Population 248. The first written mention of the village dates from 1351. Sights: - Church of St. James the Greater -statue of General Laudon in the village -Water Mill. Volunteer fire department, library, swimming pool. I miss the history of the village, e.g. everything around the local castle. Who were the owners of the Želetice estate. Thank you.

Obec Žerotice - Obecní úřad

Obecní úřad. Počet obyvatel 300. Mezi první zmínky o vsi Žerotice lze považovat listinu z roku 1190 v Louce u Znojma, kde je podepsán farář žerotický. Památky: -Hrad Žerotice, zřícenina -Kostel svatého Martina. Sbor dobrovolných hasičů. Veřejná knihovna. Hřiště. Tradice - masopustní průvod masek, vynášení smrtky, tradiční oslavy Velikonoc, přílet čarodějnic. Spolky a zájmových…

Obec Žerůtky

The village of Žerůtky lies about 9 km northwest of Znojmo, near the main road Znojmo-Jihlava, at an altitude of 380 meters. On its territory live 243 inhabitants. The cadastre includes an area with a total area of 218 ha. A significant dominant feature when arriving in the village from the state road is the listed chapel on the horizon. The first written mention of the Žerůtky dates back to…

Obec Uherčice - Obecní úřad

Municipal office. population 419. The first written mention of the village comes from 1312. Monuments, sights: -Uherčice Castle, a Renaissance from the end of the 16th century, is a national cultural monument -Forest park. Culture and services: -registry office -post -Voluntary Firefighter Unit -public library -Kindergarten -playground, gym.

Město Moravský Krumlov - Městský úřad

City hall. Population 5993. The old historical core of the city is a monument zone. The city was inhabited as early as 3500 BC .. Trade unions, authorities: -financial, registry, trade license, construction, cadastral. Culture and services: -Post office, fire brigade, police -money institutions, insurance companies -library, cinema, museum, gallery -playground, gym -Kindergarten,…