Professional corporations and associations

Want to keep track of current events, or to create a media image in the sector? If yes, professional associations and the association are tailor-made for you. Such organisations are for example the Czech medical chamber, a Professional guild of tilers or Association of hotels and restaurants.

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Javorník

The Czech Fishermen's Association is an association whose mission is mainly the performance of fishing in the sense of the Fisheries Act, ie breeding, breeding, protection and catching of fish or aquatic organisms in fish farming or fishing, the operation of aquaculture, nature protection, water purity, environmental environment, promotion of fisheries and nature protection in the public and…

Nadace ADRA - adventistická nadace pro pomoc a rozvoj

The international humanitarian organization ADRA provides assistance to people in need. We have been operating in the Czech Republic since 1992. We support specific individuals and families who have found themselves in a difficult life situation as a result of extraordinary events. With the Michal Velíšek Award, we draw attention to the extraordinary deeds of "ordinary people" who helped when it…