Professional corporations and associations

Want to keep track of current events, or to create a media image in the sector? If yes, professional associations and the association are tailor-made for you. Such organisations are for example the Czech medical chamber, a Professional guild of tilers or Association of hotels and restaurants.

Česká společnost pro povrchové úpravy, z.s.

Česká společnost pro povrchové úpravy (ČSPU) je dobrovolným a nezávislým nepolitickým sdružením, které sdružuje pracovníky působící v oboru povrchových úprav a s tím přímo či nepřímo souvisejících procesů na území České republiky. Posláním ČSPU je všestranné rozvíjení oboru povrchových úprav a zprostředkování kontaktů mezi všemi zájemci o obor. Nabízíme: - informační a technický servis -…

Odborový svaz KOVO základní organizace při BOSCH DIESEL Jihlava

BOSCH unions associate members of OS KOVO, who are employees of BOSCH DIESEL Jihlava s.r.o. both for the main employment relationship and as an employee of employment agencies. We are part of the largest trade union in the Czech Republic, the KOVO trade union and we are the largest trade union in Bosch Diesel s.r.o. The establishment of our trade union dates back to the spring of 2002. …

Semitam s.r.o. - Sociální firma

Semitam s.r.o. it gives a job opportunity, psychosocial support and the opportunity to acquire new skills to people who without its help would find it very difficult to find employment on the labor market. The company runs a bookbinding and sewing workshop and provides cleaning services. It offers: bookbinding, office binding, hand-made notebooks and sketchbooks, screen printing, picture framing…

Pedagogický institut, o.p.s.

Pedagogický institut, o.p.s. is a non-profit company that is an accredited institution for the education of pedagogical staff. The basic mission of the association is to assist in the development of civil society through quality education in schools. Through our activities, we want to contribute to making peer support a regular part of professional growth and teacher care. In our work we use…