Salesiánské hnutí mládeže
Corps of volunteer firefighters Kralovice
Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired of the Czech Republic.
A civil society interested in the history and present of railway transport.
House of Children and Youth Kamarád, Třemošná, district Plzeň-sever, contributory organization is a leisure facility that offers a range of educational activities for children and adults. For all ages we offer interest groups led by pedagogical staff. We also organize summer camps and for the youngest children we have a children's corner Mole. DDM Friend, services: - leisure facilities for…
Dům dětí a mládeže
filling the free time of children, their parents and other interested parties
Dům dětí a mládeže
Dům dětí a mládeže
. pořádání volných klubových auto - moto akcí
Zájmové sdružení - pořádá dětské indiánské letní tábory
Association dealing with the history of public transport, especially bus and trolleybus. The club is operated by the Museum of Transport in Strašice.
Mateřské centrum - akce a kurzy pro maminky na mateřské dovolené a jejich děti