Interest associations

The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Kutná Hora

The local organization of the Czech Fishermen's Association in Kutná Hora is an association of citizens that ensures, within the framework of the "Statutes of the CRS" and the "Rules of Procedure", the exercise of fishing rights, the breeding of fish stocks and sport fishing in entrusted areas, including their protection. At the same time, we provide members with the opportunity to enjoy…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Dobříš

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Dobříš se věnuje nejen chovu, ochraně a lovu ryb, ale také ochraně životního prostředí a propagaci rybářského sportu. Pravidelně pořádáme školení pro nové členy, vydáváme povolenky k rybolovu a zajišťuje zarybnění pomocí nákladního auta AVIA. Kromě toho se každoročně pořádáme oblíbené rybářské závody na rybníku Papež a tradiční rybářský ples. Pro…

LECCOS, z.s.

LECCOS, z.s. - pomoc a podpora pro děti, mládež a rodiny. Poskytujeme a rozvíjíme sociální služby a aktivity pro rodiny s dětmi a pro děti a mládež. Vytváříme programy pro rodiny a pro děti a mládež ve věku od 6 do 26 let. Provozujeme Nízkoprahové zařízení pro děti a mládež Klub Zvonice, Rodinné centrum Kostička, programy sanace rodiny a Sociálně-aktivizační služby pro rodiny s dětmi.…

Rodinné centrum ROUTA, z.s.

Rodinné centrum Routa, z. s. was founded in 2008 as a non-profit organization (registered association), focused on supporting families with children in and around Čelákovice. We operate in Sedláčková Street in the center of Čelákovice, in the premises of the community center with a garden and a yurt. As part of our organization, the Surrogate Family Club, the social activation service for…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Bělušice

The Czech Fishermen's Association is an association whose mission is mainly: -performation of fishing in the sense of the Fisheries Act, ie breeding, breeding, protection and catching of fish or aquatic organisms in fish farming or in the exercise of fishing rights - aquaculture operation, nature protection, water purity, environment, fisheries promotion and nature protection in public -…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Nový Jáchymov

The local organization of the Czech Fishermen's Association welcomes everyone who loves nature, fishing and wants to relax. Do you want advice on how to start fishing? Contact us. We focus on the exercise of fishing law, breeding, protection and fishing, environmental protection and the development and popularization of fishing. We also organize fishing competitions, issue fishing…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Loděnice

Czech Fishing Association, z.s. in Loděnice u Berouna deals with the exercise of fishing rights, ensures the breeding, protection and fishing of fish, environmental protection and develops and popularizes the sport of fishing. If you want to start fishing in the areas of the Czech Republic, you will need a fishing license and you will also need a membership in one of the local organizations of…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Králův Dvůr

The Czech Fishermen's Association, z. S., The local organization Králův Dvůr, on the basis of a mandate from the Territorial Union, operates sport fishing in the Suchomastská nádrž district no. Our self-employed MO with a membership base of about two hundred fishermen (incl. Youth) belongs to the smaller organizations in the Central Bohemian region. From an economic point of view, until…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Libice nad Cidlinou

The Czech Fishermen's Association is an association whose mission is mainly: - fishing performance within the meaning of the Fisheries Act, ie breeding, breeding, protection and catching of fish or aquatic organisms in fish farming or in the exercise of fishing rights - aquaculture operation, nature protection, water purity, environment, fisheries promotion and nature protection in public …

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Nová Ves I.

The Czech Fishermen's Association, z. S., The local organization Nová Ves I. manages 35 ha on the river Elbe. and on the old Elbe branches Doleháj 1, Doleháj 2, then on sandpit 1 and 2 with a total area of approx. 17 ha. The districts are stocked mainly with carp, pike, zander, bream, tench and other species of fish community. The numbers of fish set by decree are greatly exceeded, by about 100…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Neratovice

The local organization of the Czech Fishery Association, z. s. in Neratovice v okras Mělník is an association whose mission is mainly to exercise fishing law in the sense of the Fisheries Act. In addition to fishing, he is also dedicated to nature conservation, maintaining natural biodiversity, working with youth and, last but not least, he also sponsors competitive hunting, which includes…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Nymburk

The Czech Fishermen's Association is an association whose mission is mainly: -performation of fishing in the sense of the Fisheries Act, ie breeding, breeding, protection and catching of fish or aquatic organisms in fish farming or in the exercise of fishing rights - aquaculture operation, nature protection, water purity, environment, fisheries promotion and nature protection in public -…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Předměřice nad Jizerou

The local organization of the Czech Fishermen's Association in Předměřice nad Jizerou was founded on July 20, 1921 under the name Fishing Club for Předměřice, Kochánek and surroundings. It is an association of citizens that ensures, within the framework of the "Statutes of the CRS" and the "Rules of Procedure", the exercise of fishing rights, the breeding of fish stocks and sport fishing in the…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Říčany

Czech Fishermen's Association, z. S. Local organization Říčany is an interest association under the auspices of the Czech Fishermen's Association. Our organization was established on January 25, 1937 at a meeting in the inn U Červených under the name Sportovní rybářský spolek v Říčany “. At present, our organization has a total of 519 adult members, 4 youth members and 55 children. In…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Rožďalovice

The Czech Fishermen's Association, z. S., The local organization Rožďalovice operates fisheries in the sense of the Fisheries Act, ie breeding, breeding, protection and catching of fish or aquatic organisms in fish farming or in the exercise of fishing rights. Operation of aquaculture, nature protection, water purity, environment, promotion of fishing and nature protection among the non-fishing…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Slaný

The Czech Fishermen's Association is an association whose mission is mainly: -performation of fishing in the sense of the Fisheries Act, ie breeding, breeding, protection and catching of fish or aquatic organisms in fish farming or in the exercise of fishing rights - aquaculture operation, nature protection, water purity, environment, fisheries promotion and nature protection in public -…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Sloveč

The local organization of the Czech Fishermen's Association in the village of Slovač is located near the town of Nymburk in the Central Bohemian Region. It is an association of citizens which, within the framework of the "Statutes of the Czech Republic" and the "Rules of Procedure", ensures the exercise of fishing rights, fish farming and sport fishing in the entrusted areas, including their…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Sedlčany

The Czech Fishermen's Association, z. S., The local organization Sedlčany, operates fisheries in the sense of the Fisheries Act, ie breeding, breeding, protection and catching of fish or aquatic organisms in fish farming or in the exercise of fishing rights. Operation of aquaculture, nature protection, water purity, environment, promotion of fishing and nature protection among the non-fishing…

Český rybářský svaz, z. s., místní organizace Týnec nad Labem

The local organization of the Czech Fishery Association in Týnec nad Laem is an association of citizens that ensures, within the framework of the "Statutes of the CRS" and the "Rules of Procedure", the exercise of fishing rights, the breeding of fish stocks and sport fishing in entrusted areas, including their protection. At the same time, we provide members with the opportunity to enjoy…


MAS PODBRDSKO, z.s. is a local action group based in Hvožďany, which brings together citizens, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs and public authorities of municipalities with the aim of obtaining and effective redistribution of subsidies for rural development and improving the quality of life in the areas of Milínsko, Březnicko, Rožmitálsko and Hvožďanska. The LAG comprises 37 towns and…

Klub tátů, z.s.

Tátohraní is a project that focuses on strengthening the role of the father in the upbringing of children. Our sons grow up in a world full of women, and when they have to face the world as young men, they fail. They need natural male role models, inspiration, and examples that their dads can best provide. Our daughters need to feel the love of their fathers, to be able to lean on it, to gain a…

Osecká vize z.s.

The organization has been helping sick children since 2011. The HELP FOR CHILDREN WITH BRAIN PULSE project is focused on helping families with children after cerebral palsy under the age of 18. Children with this handicap have a severe movement disorder, speech defects or are unable to speak and swallow at all, most of them depend on the help of others. You can support our organization by…