Centrum ochrany přírody
Association: - active activity in nature protection
Association: - active activity in nature protection
Civic Association Hospice Chrudim
Farní úřad Poskytuje - zájmová činnost pro děti
Nabídka - šermířsko - divadelní vystoupení z období gotiky, renesance, třicetileté války a baroka
Interest association of Fiat 126 and Polski Fiat 126P car owners.
Association operating a memorial to the victims of the burned village and taking care to preserve the legacy of the village
Společnost PRO pořádání hudebních slavností
Association of leisure activities for children and youth. Consultation: - summer camps - several-day tourist trips throughout the year.
Historical Fencing Group Organizing - performance of historical fencing - for the public, schools, kindergartens
Historical Fencing Group Consultation - fencing events - fire show
Chrudim Sports Union: - associates sports, physical education and tourist associations with activities in the Chrudim region, physical education units and sports clubs and their associations, if they are established as associations
Provides - assistance and services to disabled persons
Motorkářský klub
Family center Jablíčko, Jablonné nad Orlicí
Volunteer Fire Brigade Bučina
Voluntary Firefighter Unit.