Interest associations

The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.

Nadační fond Pokora

The endowment fund helps patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease and facilitates their living conditions. He donates Therapy Air iOn air purifiers to facilities that care for Alzheimer's patients and their families, which improve patients' hygiene conditions and create a more dignified environment for them.


MAS PODBRDSKO, z.s. is a local action group based in Hvožďany, which brings together citizens, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs and public authorities of municipalities with the aim of obtaining and effective redistribution of subsidies for rural development and improving the quality of life in the areas of Milínsko, Březnicko, Rožmitálsko and Hvožďanska. The LAG comprises 37 towns and…

Občanské sdružení celodenní rodinné centrum Kouzelný ostrov

In our center there is a playroom for children from birth to about 7 years, you can use the babysitting of a professional aunt at very reasonable prices. We have prepared for you many hobby groups and activities, for example: English for children and adults, exercises for mothers with children, lectures on nutrition, dance and exercise club and creative workshops. We also arrange babysitting at…

Nadační fond pro záchranu orné půdy

Endowment fund for arable land rescue. The endowment fund is established for the purpose of achieving generally beneficial goals in the field of maintaining sustainable life on Earth. The purpose of the fund is mainly educational, monitoring and awareness-raising activities in the field of agriculture, providing an up-to-date overview of the state of protection, use and loss of arable land,…

Asociace profesionálních klubů ledního hokeje

APK LH The Hockey Association is an interest association of legal entities - professional hockey clubs - founded in order to increase the prestige of the highest competitions in the Czech Republic and hockey as such. APK LH also represents the attitude of professional clubs in the Czech Republic, promotes their interests and creates for clubs service, assistance and support in matters of the…

Klub tátů, z.s.

Tátohraní is a project that focuses on strengthening the role of the father in the upbringing of children. Our sons grow up in a world full of women, and when they have to face the world as young men, they fail. They need natural male role models, inspiration, and examples that their dads can best provide. Our daughters need to feel the love of their fathers, to be able to lean on it, to gain a…

Osecká vize z.s.

The organization has been helping sick children since 2011. The HELP FOR CHILDREN WITH BRAIN PULSE project is focused on helping families with children after cerebral palsy under the age of 18. Children with this handicap have a severe movement disorder, speech defects or are unable to speak and swallow at all, most of them depend on the help of others. You can support our organization by…

Tanec pro všechny, o.s.

Sdružení věnující se propagaci společenského tance formou tanečních vystoupení, show, tanečních kurzů a lekcí, spoluprací s ostatní organizacemi. Nabízí individuální výuku pro páry či jednotlivce v příjemném tanečním studiu v centru Prahy. Specializujeme se též na svatební tanec pro novomanžele. Nabídnout můžeme též vše okolo tance pro Váš firemní, maturitní ples či party.

Litehouse Media, s.r.o.

We are a group of golf enthusiasts who decided to run the best golf portal in the Czech Republic. These pages are only part of a wide golf network consisting of several interconnected and connected websites - in addition to, also (news and service), (fun betting competition). We also work on (blogging), (travel) and…