Interest associations

The opportunity to become members of the association supporting preventive health care, associations, parents, children, special educators, the association of property owners or the association for the promotion of environmental activities. To connect with the people who have the same interests and goals as you.


a free association of all who are not indifferent to the fate of this world. It is a non-party organization of like-minded people who want to be actively involved in the fight for a better and fairer tomorrow and want to promote radical changes in the economic and political issues of the management of our state, as well as in all other spheres in any way related to the running of the state and…

Praha 14 kulturní

Prague 14 Cultural is a contributory organization of Prague 14, the main purpose of which is to support culture as a tool for increasing the quality of life of the inhabitants of this part of the city. The content of its activities is the mapping of the cultural and social environment of Prague 14, the development of appropriate cultural infrastructure and the implementation of artistic, leisure,…

Český adiktologický institut - občanské sdružení

The Czech Addictology Institute is a civic association whose main goal is to provide technical-administrative, organizational and professional background for the activities and activities of the Society for Addictive Diseases of the Czech Medical Society JEP and experts in the field of addiction in general. The association was founded in 2006 and is based in

koňská farma Vysoká - Bc. Václava Jarošová

Vzrůst dnes už tak často vyhledávané agroturistiky, touha po klidu v panenské přírodě a láska ke koním, to jsou prvky, které byly hlavním projektantem farmy. Farma Vysoká poskytuje vyjížďky do přírody i na několik dní, s doprovodem. Je velice vhodná i pro parkurová soustředění, výstavy, koňské dražby, hobby závody a další jednorázové akce. Farma Vysoká zároveň nabízí program i pro ty nejmenší,…