Klubovní Hnutí o.s. - Klubovní Hnutí z.s. (Zapsaný Spolek)
We associate children's and youth interest clubs all over the Czech Republic, we organize events, camps, expeditions, courses, etc.
We associate children's and youth interest clubs all over the Czech Republic, we organize events, camps, expeditions, courses, etc.
Volunteer fire brigade - Mazurie has been working in Boskovice for more than 90 years. Our choir participates in firefighting activities, deals with the activities of young firefighters, organizes and participates in firefighting competitions, carries out the construction and felling of May and also organizes various cultural events. Volunteer Fire Brigade, SDH: - fire fighting, exits -…
Railway Association - civic association Everything started in 2006 with the purchase of a 700 689 machine - Hrbatá Máňa.
Rodinka family center is a club for parents with children, in which our main goal is to harmonize the family climate and prevent crisis situations. DUHA club for parents with children: - programs for families with children - one-day, weekend and weekly stays in nature or by the sea - infant swimming at home - exercise for parents with children from 3 months - lectures and discussions on…
Supporting the full and harmonious development of the child's personality: - support for the healthy functioning of families, help for incomplete families - consulting services - educational programs.
ACTIVITY INSTITUT z. Ú. Is an educational, sports and hobby non-profit organization that specializes in the development and teaching of a system of universal self-defense. We provide: - martial arts exercises - vocational qualification and retraining - crime prevention in society - the activities of the crisis center for victims of crime.
Family center: - antenatal classes, massage course for babies and children - marking with infants and toddlers - preparation for breastfeeding - aromatherapy - rental of children's attractions or aids.
OCA project - Open Cycling Academy, open cycling school. Cycling training camp.
Voluntary association of persons interested in the development of trade between the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and the People's Republic of China. The Chamber, in cooperation with governmental and non-governmental institutions, also creates conditions for building friendly, cultural and business relations.
The civic association Granum was founded in 2001 as a platform to support the veterinary school in Kroměříž. We support the educational goals of Taufer SOŠV, artistic and ecological activities at school. Professional consulting. Promotion.
An association of volunteers striving to save an architecturally significant lime and lime quarry building
The aim and content of our work is pastoral care in healthcare, consultancy, education, information events, research and projects
At the Joy Center, we work to achieve ideal weight, physical condition, healthy attitudes towards life, health without drugs, inner satisfaction and a happy life. We are healthy lifestyle coaches and focus comprehensively on the area of body nutrition - balanced psyche - correct movement. We do courses on food and psychology. We lead individually to the goal of being healthy, strong and full of…
Association - mothers with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Services: - professional social counseling for families with children with ASD and adults with ASD (OSP) - social activation services for families with children with ASD (SAS) - social rehabilitation for people with ASD (SORE).
Public workshop and craft incubator in Ostrava. The organization allows citizens to learn craft skills under the guidance of workshop masters and lecturers. FAJNA DILNA provides space and technical facilities for the realization of craft ideas. Here, those interested will find ceramic workshops, metal workshops, ceramics, carpentry, 3D printing and CNC laser, and more.
The goal of MAS is to support the permanent development of the territory - for the benefit of municipalities, associations of municipalities, non-profit organizations, business entities, small and medium-sized enterprises.
ČMELÁČEK z. s. is a Center for Mental Handicap.
Havířov leisure center. - physical education, science and preschool activities, physical activities, aesthetic education
Společnost Centrum služeb pro neslyšící a nedoslýchavé, o.p.s.
Nadační Fond Podejte Ruku Dětem vznikl za účelem pomáhat dětem, které neměli to štěstí se narodit zdravé, nebo nepoznali rodičovskou lásku a něhu.
Nadační fond Kulíšek nedonošeným dětem byl založen s cílem podpořit Oddělení neonatologie Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava, předčasně narozené děti, „Kulíšky“, které prožívají těžký start do života, a jejich rodiny, které se ocitly v náročné životní situaci
Mama centrum je komunitní centrum, které nabízí kontinuální podporu těhotným ženám, rodičům, dětem, dospívajícím a ženám ve všech obdobích jejich života. Podporujeme rodiče a děti v kontaktním rodičovství, vzájemném láskyplném vztahu a respektující výchově.
Všechno, co v J!NAK děláme, děláme proto, abychom podpořili lidi se zdravotním postižením tak, aby mohli žít normálně.