Josef Pich - STAVO-P
Činnost: - stavební práce - tesařské práce - výkopové práce - vodoinstalace - kanalizace a montáž ČOV - elektroinstalace
Činnost: - stavební práce - tesařské práce - výkopové práce - vodoinstalace - kanalizace a montáž ČOV - elektroinstalace
Industrial wastewater treatment of specific technological operations: - advisory and consulting activities in areas of wastewater treatment - processing of technical solution proposals - processing of operational regulations for wastewater treatment plants -supply and installation of technological equipment and reagents for operations wastewater treatment -warranty and…
We operate in the field of consulting services: - grant, financial and organizational consultancy - organizational assurance of the awarding of public contracts and related consultancy - delivery of technologies for waste water treatment plants and the realization of constructions, by which we try to achieve the maximum complexity of the services offered.
Activity: - earthworks (we use, for example: UDS, JCB 802, HON UN 053.2, DH 112) - crane work (we use, for example: PV3S, TATRA 148) - wastewater treatment plants In addition, the company Matestav performs: - rough constructions - construction work - insulation of facades - swimming pools - sewerage - fittings - simple locksmith and welding work - simple carpentry work and…
Our activity is designing in the field of TZB (technical equipment of buildings - building environment technology) and designing in the field of ZTI (equipment of medical technical installations - we process projects of domestic sewage and domestic water supply). Gas equipment projects, which our design office also proposes, can be focused both on domestic gas pipelines with appliances up to…
Services: -wells -water resources prospecting -drilled wells -water-service pipe -pumping tests -waters, soils and waste analysis -analysis in agriculture -constructionally geological survey -hazardous wastes disposal -advisory activity EIA -quality systems ISO 9000, ISO 14000, EMS implementation. Installation: -pumps and water plants. Design activities: -water…
MORN, spol. s r.o. v likvidaci Výroba, dodávky a montáž: -zakázková výroba z nerezové oceli -pálení plechu na CNC do tl. 20 mm -svařování v metodě MAG 135, TIG 141 -rekonstrukce a montáže čistíren odpadních vod -práce na ohraňovacím lisu a bodovacím poloautomatu -obrábění do průměru 1000 mm, frézování, dělení materiálu -pískování balotinou pro finální -povrchovou úpravu nerez…
Stavební společnost: -stavby na klíč -oprava budov -údržba bytových fondů -zednické a obkladačské práce -výstavba a rekonstrukce bytů -zhotovení fasád vč.nátěrů -rekonstrukce půdních prostor -poradenská služba vč.rozpočtu -demoliční práce.
Supplier of stainless steel wastewater treatment plants: - collection, treatment and distribution of water - technical and methodological assistance in solving wastewater treatment problems - processing of preparatory and project documentation - comprehensive supply of sewage treatment plants on a turnkey basis - installation of technology - operational testing of installed WWTPs -…
Projektování a provádění ekologických staveb: -monitoring podzemních vod -kanalizace -vodovody -přírodní bazény bez chemie -sluneční kolektory. Dodávky na klíč: -čistírny odpadních vod. Skládky odpadů. Chemické sklady. Studny (vrtané, kopané ): -projekty -provedení -čerpací zkoušky.
We provide design, development, design, sale, assembly, service and export: - waste water treatment with contamination with oil substances, pigments, colloidal undissolved substances, phosphates - technology of waste water purification and recycling from car wash and traffic washing plant operations - hand washing technology, Kärcher high-pressure units, Kärcher high-pressure gas units,…
Small and municipal wastewater treatment plants. Drilling, drilling execution and rigging. Stainless steel program. Pumps and mixers. Water treatment plants. Project activity in water management.
Služby: -výstavba čistíren odpadních vod -kanalizační sběrače -kompletní realizace kabelových rýh -opravy a údržba vodních toků -výstavba a odbahňování rybníků -opravy a výstavba místních komunikací -řezání asfaltových ploch do tloušťky 120mm -protlaky do průměru 160mm -rekonstrukce a výstavba požárních nádrží -ostatní inženýrské sítě -kladení zámkové dlažby.
We work mainly in the field of pumping equipment, water distribution and waste water treatment. We provide comprehensive service in water and industry. We are playfully in the field of technological units, but also the sale of products for the repair of pumps and other machines, and last but not least, in the sale of industrial valves. We provide the following services: - Expert advice…
Construction company Turnkey construction of water mains, sewers, gas pipelines Gas station, sewage treatment plant Landscaping - communication Turnkey building construction, masonry work, carpentry work, plumbing work, roofing and carpentry work, plasterboard work, assembly and delivery of medical equipment, heating and electrical installation Projection Consulting activity …
Comprehensive services in environmental protection: State-accredited testing laboratories No. 1110 Ecotoxicological laboratories: - analyzes of water, soil, waste, fuel - analyzes of emissions, emissions and gases - analyzes of technical and biological materials, food - determining the properties of chemical substances and preparations - biodegradability, ecotoxicity tests. …
Work: - reconstruction and desilting of ponds - water pipes and sewers - root sewage treatment plants -all earthworks - revitalization of river systems - construction and restoration of ponds -construction of water pipes and sewers. Small brewery.
Buildings: - construction work - construction project - investment engineering activity - civil and residential -engineering including technical amenities of housing estates -industrially - traffic. Road transport. Mediation activity: -trade - services. Printing production: -screen printing -rubber print -chemography -stereotypes - galvanoplasty -offset…
Stavební práce: - práce těžkou mechanizací a bouracím kladivem (UNC* 050, ATG*, DH-112, UNC-112, UNC* 060 se lžící nebo podkopem) - stavby a opravy komunikací - pozemní stavby - půdní vestavby - hrubé stavby rodinných domů - stavby na klíč - vodoinstalace - dlažby, obklady, fasády - rekonstrukce-střechy, koupelny - inženýrské stavby. Výroba: - žebříky, okna,…
A company engaged in water management construction. The main content of the work is focused on the supply of sewage and water supply systems, including water reservoirs, wastewater treatment plants and the implementation of concrete structures. Construction production, e.g. construction of a PHM gas station, conversion of a school into a food factory, construction of family houses,…
Building company. Implementation of engineering constructions. Construction of sewers, treatment plants.
Our company offers: - civil engineering - technical equipment of housing estates units - telecommunication networks - gas networks - water supply networks
Work: -construction -ground -Masonry -demolition. Services: -concrete production -sewerage -water pipes -gas pipelines -water tanks -wastewater treatment plants -solid waste landfills.
Výstavba: -inženýrské sítě -vodovody -kanalizace -plynovody -komunikace -čistírny odpadních vod.
Zemní práce. Inženýrské stavby. Odpadní kanalizace.