Seed growing

You want to start to grow plants or breed? Buy the necessary seeds, seed or straight up flowers. For more effective results it is good to have in addition to the gardening needs to take appropriate fertilizers and sprays, which support the development of the plant and protects it.

CORSO V+V s.r.o.

Bisexual Thistle - Petemi is a perennial herb of the Malvaceae family. This plant is related to one of the most important fiber plants, cotton. Unlike cotton, the fiber is a perennial crop and can be grown in one place for 20-25 years. According to current knowledge, the bisexual fiber has a wide potential for use as a fodder, medicinal, technical, honey and soil-protective crop. The bisexual…

Polfin agro, s.r.o.

Výroba: -rostlinná - živočišná. Farma Malý Božnov: -Loučka,tel.:577350708. Farma živočišné výroba: -Drnovice,tel.:577350873 -Tichov,tel.:577320265 -Újezd,tel.:577350238.

Sikos, s.r.o.

Maloobchod, prodej: -záhrádkářské, vinařské potřeby a doplňkový prodej -pracovní a ochranné pomůcky -pracovní obuv a oděvy, úklidové prostředky, barvy a laky, krmivo pro domácí zvířata, osiva, osivo na výsadbu květin a zeleniny, zelenina, rašelina, zemina, mulčovací kůra, mlýnky, lisy a pod. -sklo a dárkové zboží. Pneuservis, cykloservis: -opravy, servis pneumatiky, pneu -prodej…

Raiffeisen Agro Morava, spol. s r.o.

Sale, purchase, distribution - cereals (cereals), any commodity: Predominantly: -wheat -rye -maize -barley -oat -sunflower -rape Sale of seeds, fertilizers and chemicals, diesel. The subject of RAM's activity is trade in agricultural commodities, fertilizers, pesticides, diesel and seeds. We also provide contractual drying, cleaning and storage of agricultural commodities, sale of…


Breeding station. Production, cultivation, new breeding, maintenance and propagation: - fruit trees - room flowers - potted flowers - balcony flowers - annuals - saintpaulia, gloxinia (hydrangea) - bulbs - daffodils and tulips - lilies of the valley - Begonia semperflorens seed - seeds - greenhouse begonias (SEMPER FLORENC) - SEMPRA. Greenhouse: - phone number…

Sempra Praha, a.s.

Focus of activity: - breeding of flowers and vegetables - breeding, propagation and trade in fruit species and some field crops - production of ornamental plants. A large part of production is occupied by engineering production: - production of steel structures - production of greenhouses - hot-dip galvanizing.

AGRITEC, výzkum, šlechtění a služby, s.r.o.

AGRITEC, výzkum, šlechtování a služby, s.r.o. deals with agrobiological research, plant breeding and advice in the field of crop production. We focus on genetic - breeding research, testing, perform analyzes and we also breed technical crops and legumes. We also offer for sale plant protection products, greenhouse sprouts, seedlings, substrates, feed for livestock and domestic animals. …