Šatovská 2960/25,
66902 Znojmo
Bisexual Thistle - Petemi is a perennial herb of the Malvaceae family.
This plant is related to one of the most important fiber plants, cotton. Unlike cotton, the fiber is a perennial crop and can be grown in one place for 20-25 years. According to current knowledge, the bisexual fiber has a wide potential for use as a fodder, medicinal, technical, honey and soil-protective crop. The bisexual fiber has woody, 250-400 cm high stems with palm-divided leaves. In the second to third year, it forms a robust shrub with 8 -22 branches, which grows every year. In average conditions, the total biomass yield reaches 15-30 tons of dry matter at a single harvest and 70-160 tons of green fodder from 1 ha during a 2-3-stroke harvest.

The relatively high fiber content (10-14%) allows the use of this crop as a substitute for hemp, especially when processed into composite materials and building materials.

  • produkce geneticky hodnotného osiva, kontrola výroby osiva, šlechtění kořenových rostlin, semena k výsevu, pěstitelská činnost
  • prodej rostlin a hnojiv, okrasné a užitkové rostliny, údržba zahrad, květiny pro floristy, stromy a keře

Czech Companies
Seed growing, Gardening