Npor. Krále 764/16,
68301 Rousínov u Vyškova
- travní směsi
- hnojiva a půdní kondicionery
- přípravky na ochranu rostlin
- zahradní a komunální technika.

Poradenství v oblasti trávníkářství, morfologie, systematiky
rostlin, výživy a hnojení, fytopatologie, pedologie, hydrologie a mnoho dalších.

  • prodej semen okrasných rostlin, ovocná semena, semena zeleninová, přípravky proti plevelům, hnojiva a komposty
  • shrnovače píce, obraceče píce, příkopové vyžínače, kombajny, sklizňové linky, vály, kompaktomaty
  • šlechtění osiv, reprodukce osiva a sadby, šlechtitelský materiál, laboratorní rozbory sadby
  • úprava zahrad, design zahrad, zahradní rostliny, zahradní technika, prodej stromků, prodej ovocných stromů, prodej květin, prodej semen, prodej okrasných rostlin
  • pomalu rozpustné hnojiva, pesticidy, minerální hnojiva, stimulátory růstu rostlin, kombinovaná hnojiva, přípravky na ochranu rostlin

Czech Companies
Flowers, seeds and garden fertilizers, Agricultural machinery, Garden machinery, Seed growing, Gardening, Agricultural chemicals and fertilizers

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Current articles

ECOLAB Znojmo, spol. s r.o.

Proper, fast and smooth plant growth can be secured by using a high quality fertilizer. However, since not all types of fertilizers have the desired quality and properties, you should choose them carefully. From a long-term point of view the most quality and frequently used fertilizers are the slow release ones, for they are efficient, affordable and environmentally friendly. One of the most successful and popular producers of this sort of fertilizers is currently the ECOLAB ZNOJMO, spol. s.r.o. company, which has been operating on the market already since 1993.

Kovo Novák

Brewers can hardly work without quality hops. They are an indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of beer, one of the most favourite Czech drinks ever. At the same time, however, it is important to use the hops effectively during their processing, for we do not want to loose not even a single drop of their characteristic aroma which provides beer with its unmistakable flavour. Breweries tend to compete with each other in terms of the modern production technologies, as well as with sticking to the traditional procedures. Your production can be improved by the hop pellet line from the Kovo Novák company.

Kovo Novák

In the recent years pellets have become a very popular way of heating. However, for the idea of a home production of pellets seems rather complicated, people mostly prefer to buy them. A significant amount of organic waste that we produce in our companies or households however does not have to go down the drain – thanks to the new pelletizing line for homemade pellet production from the KOVO NOVÁK Jan Novák.