Asphalt products

Are you looking for a seller of asphalt products such as asphalt emulsion, asphalt varnishes, suspension and sealants, asphalt sealants and diluted road bitumen? For the insulation of buildings, waterproofing of floors, balconies and terraces take advantage of the asphalt strips made to order.

ALLTER oil s.r.o.

Prodej: Oleje. - motorové oleje, převodové oleje, oleje pro zahradní a zemědělskou techniku - oleje hydraulické, oleje ložiskové, oleje nízkotuhnoucí - oleje tlumičové, kompresorové, vývěvové - oleje pro kluzná vedení - oleje separační a konzervační - řezné oleje a obráběcí kapaliny. Plastická maziva. - plastická maziva automobilová, průmyslová, speciální. Provozní kapaliny. -…

Charvát a.s.

Production, sale: - waterproofing strips - insulating strips, building cardboard - asphalted cardboard not sandblasted - asphalted cardboard sandblasted - asphalt strips made of oxidized asphalt - modified asphalt strips - cardboard with aluminum foil - guatched paper - asphalt shingles - rectangular, delta, beaver, hexagonal

Orlim, s.r.o.

Production, sale: water isolation ASPHALT INSULATION: - PRIMA asphalt hydro installation strips - asphalt hydraulic installation strips - SHINGLAS asphalt shingles - asphalt shingles - brown, green, red asphalt shingles - copper asphalt shingles - asphalt coatings MIDA PRIMER - asphalt coatings - basic penetration coating - asphalt sealants MIDA FIXER - asphalt adhesives - asphalt…

M - SILNICE a.s.

The company M - SILNICE a.s. is a specialist in the field of transport construction. For more than sixty years, we have been implementing the construction and reconstruction of all types of linear transport structures, motorways, 1st class roads, parking areas, car parks and also forest roads. We also focus on the construction of prefabricated and monolithic bridges, civil and industrial…

BITUNOVA spol. s r.o.

Construction company. Work: - application of cationic asphalt emulsions and binders sprays - repair, maintenance of asphalt road surfaces - laying microcarpets - rehabilitation of asphalt concrete and cement concrete covers roadway - implementation of elastic bridge closures - repair of asphalt and concrete surfaces using the jet method, turbo method - preparation of…


Datum zániku: 15.07.2014 Stavby: -práce stavební -stavby na klíč -oprava a rekonstrukce -stavební služby. Prodejna Okříšky, Jihlavská 433 -provozní doba Po-Pá:6-16.30hod., So:7-11hod. -stavební materiál (stavebniny) -suché maltové směsi HASIT, pojiva -polystyrén -tepelná a zvuková izolace URSA -betonové výrobky a dlažba -asfaltové pásy -šindel(BITAGIT, IPA, SKLOBIT, LEPENKA,…


Biguma Bohemia, sro operates in the field of road construction. It deals with the sale and delivery of building materials such as plastic-elastic asphalt mixtures, sanitation materials, grouts, potting materials or road grouts for the construction, repair and maintenance of roads and other transport structures. Products are intended for:  - for repairs, reconstruction and rehabilitation of…

Skanska a.s., divize Inženýrské stavitelství, oblast AT a speciálních prací

Skanska JSC the Concrete and special technology plant, the special operation centre Prostejov. CSN EN ISO 9001:2001 Quality control. CSN EN ISO 14001 EMS. OHSAS 18001:1999 SMS. Demolitions, demolition work, chimney demolition. Blasting operations in demolitions. Blasting operations in quarries. Drilling operations in quarries. Aggregate / stone crushing, aggregate / stone sorting. …

Skanska a.s. - závod Ústí nad Labem

Závod Ústí nad Labem realizuje svoje služby především v Ústeckém kraji.Z činností nabízíme tyto: -stavby silnic, dálnic, rychlostních komunikací -kolejové stavby-železnice, tramvaje -mostní stavby všech typů a rozpětí -tunely a podzemní stavby -pokládka cementobetonového krytu -výroba asfaltové a betonové směsi -ostatní dopravní stavby(stavby letišť) -ekologické stavby …

SILNICE.CZ s. r. o.

SILNICE.CZ sro is a purely Czech construction company that carries out construction and recycling of roads. In addition to road construction, we provide construction of parking lots, repair of road potholes and construction of utilities. It also focuses on the production of bituminous emulsions and laying of asphalt, repairs of crash barriers, side walls, gullies. Our construction company will…

Den Braven Czech and Slovak a.s. - pobočka Praha

The company Den Braven Czech and Slovak a.s. focus : Production, sale:  - Sealants:    - butylene    - bitumen    - acrylate    - polyurethane    - MS polymers  - silicones:    - acetate    - neutral  - polyurethane foams  - Adhesives:    - dispersive    - polyurethane    - solvent  - Hydro isolation  - adhesive tapes  - anchoring technology  - thermal insulation systems  -…

Den Braven Czech and Slovak a.s. - pobočka Brno

The company Den Braven Czech and Slovak a.s. focus : Production, sale:  - Sealants:    - butylene    - bitumen    - acrylate    - polyurethane    - MS polymers  - silicones:    - acetate    - neutral  - polyurethane foams  - Adhesives:    - dispersive    - polyurethane    - solvent  - Hydro isolation  - adhesive tapes  - anchoring technology  - thermal insulation systems  -…