Asphalt products

Are you looking for a seller of asphalt products such as asphalt emulsion, asphalt varnishes, suspension and sealants, asphalt sealants and diluted road bitumen? For the insulation of buildings, waterproofing of floors, balconies and terraces take advantage of the asphalt strips made to order.

REKMA, spol. s r.o.

In the field of repair and maintenance of asphalt and cement-concrete surfaces of highways, roads, airports and bridges, the company REKMA, spol. s r.o. has built a strong market position - providing you with professional road, road and road repairs, including watering cracks, repairing and watering joints as well as elastic bridges. The company REKMA, spol. s r.o. is known not only in the…

Obalovna Ostrava s.r.o.

Obalovna Ostrava s.r.o. builds on the long tradition of parent companies Jankostav s.r.o. and Swietelsky stavební s.r.o. and is exclusively engaged in the production of hot coated asphalt mixtures. We produce coated asphalt mixtures directly at the mixing plant in Ostrava - Kunčice, which has been in operation since 2012. Our mixing plant ensures ecological operation, thus fulfilling the…

JANKOSTAV s.r.o. - Dopravní stavby Ostrava

Firma JANKOSTAV s.r.o. since 1991 specializes in the construction, repair and reconstruction of transport structures, roads, roads, roads and parking lots. Our long-term experience is a guarantee of quality. Coating plant Since July 2008 we have been producing coated asphalt mixture at our own mixing plant of type AMMANN 80 according to the standard ČSN EN 13108. Our priority is to supply…

Jihomoravská obalovna s.r.o.

The company Jihomoravská obalovna s.r.o. - Asphalt mixtures Brno - focuses on the sale and production of asphalt coated mixtures and crushed and sorted asphalt recyclates. The company is based in the village of Rajhradice. Our specialization is mainly the production of asphalt-coated mixtures for base, bed and abrasive layers of roads. Even including mixtures that are approved by ŘSD. It is a…

DAP. a.s. - Dlaždičské a asfaltérské práce Praha

Reconstruction and maintenance of land roads in Prague and its surroundings We provide: - paving work Tile work: - reconstruction of pavements, paving, pedestrian   zones - construction, repair of sidewalks, pedestrian zones - roads, roads Asphalt works: - repairs of potholes, roads, roadways - casting of continuous surfaces   asphalt, asphalt mixtures - laying of asphalt surface,…

COLAS CZ, a.s. - silniční stavitelství

General contractor of road construction in the Czech Republic. The activities of our company include road construction, ie construction, reconstruction, repairs and other work on roads and bridges. We also deal with the construction and reconstruction of engineering networks and railway structures, and our other activities also include stone mining and the production of crushed aggregates,…

OMT - Obalovna Moravská Třebová, s.r.o.

The company OMT - Obalovna Moravská Třebová, s.r.o. deals mainly with the production of asphalt mixtures for use in the construction and repair of roads, parking lots, sidewalks and other paved areas. We also sell crushed aggregates for construction purposes. We also provide technical advice in the field of construction and repair of roads. Asphalt mixtures are produced according to the method…

Dušan Ježorský - Dlažby – realizace, Olomouc

Firma Dušan Ježorský se sídlem v okrese Olomouc se již od roku 1994 se zabývá úpravami a realizací povrchů na klíč. V rámci naší činnosti nabízíme vše od žulové dlažby, přes dlažby betonové až po živičné povrchy. Stavby dlažeb a asfaltových povrchů realizujeme jak pro soukromé osoby, tak i pro firmy nebo pro obce. Působíme především v Olomouckém a Zlínském kraji.

Franver, s.r.o. - výstavba, rekonstrukce

Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše stavební projekty? Chcete kvalitní a cenově dostupné materiály, služby a poradenství? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou firma Franver, s.r.o., Praha. Firma Franver, s.r.o. zajišťuje výstavbu a rekonstrukce bytových domů pro soukromý i pro veřejný sektor. Provádíme výstavbu a rekonstrukce škol, obchodních center, administrativních budov, sportovních center,…

IZOLSAN s.r.o.

Production and development of special fast-setting materials, cold asphalt mixtures and remediation materials. The materials are used in a professional system of installation and storage of sewerage, water covers and road drains - POKLOPSYSTEM. Izolsan fast-setting compounds - suitable for repairs of manhole covers, water covers and street drains, concrete surfaces, stairs, airport…

Obalovna Louny s.r.o.

Obalovna Louny s.r.o. deals with the production and sale of asphalt mixtures intended mainly for the construction and reconstruction of roads. Our packaging plant is a highly modern facility and is characterized by ecological operation with sufficient production potential for the supply of coated bituminous mixtures for the needs of construction and reconstruction of roads not only in the Ústí…

Chebská obalovna, spol. s r.o.

The company Chebská obalovna, spol. s r.o. has been engaged in the production of coated bituminous mixtures for many years. We offer a complete range of production of warm coated asphalt mixtures and we also have a testing laboratory. Our asphalt and coated mixes meet all requirements, standards and are subject to high control.   Coating plant, production:  - bituminous mixtures  - warm…

REKMA, spol. s r.o.

Specialized company REKMA, spol. s r.o. based in Břeclav disposes of modern travel technology. We offer machines for repair and maintenance of roads, which extend the life of concrete and asphalt surfaces of motorways, roads, bridges, parking areas, airports or industrial floors. We will also help you with the right choice of used materials. We work closely with the American company CRAFCO and…

REKMA - Trading, spol. s r.o.

Stavební společnost. Silniční, stavební a udržovací práce v oblasti pozemní komunikace. Asfaltérské práce. Oprava výtluků, trhlin, spár. Opravy asfaltových povrchů. Ošetření a vysprávka asfaltových a betonových ploch, řezací práce, drážkování, broušení. Ochrana a konzervace CB povrchů. Distribuce, prodej a servis materiálů a strojního vybavení firem CRAFCO, ASI, Keizer-Morris, CHEM-CRETE a…