Advertising production

The design and production of commercials implemented by the graphics and advertising study, which may specialize in global, public and targeted advertising. Production of leaflets, television commercials, billboards and last but not least, writing PR artic

Jaroslav Zácha

Výroba - razítka Polepy - automobily - výlohyvýroba - orientační systémy informační tabule Výroba - vizitky - letáky - plakátyvelkoplošný tisk Grafické studiografické práce Potisk - reklamní předměty - textil Vazby knih, sbírek

Jaroslava Prucková

Production: - advertising items bags, t-shirts, stickers, flags, pillows, mugs, plates, printed materials, calendars, New Year's cards - advertising and information boards and tables - carved inscriptions from foil - stickers.

Petr Kropáč

Lease - advertising areas Services - advertising painting on shields and walls of buildings, fences, enclosures - stickers - turnkey advertising campaigns - production of advertising items