Advertising production

The design and production of commercials implemented by the graphics and advertising study, which may specialize in global, public and targeted advertising. Production of leaflets, television commercials, billboards and last but not least, writing PR artic

Věra Zápotocká, Ing.

Production - engraving: signs, labels, name tags, key chains, dog tags, stamps made of materials: brass, aluminum, dural-stainless steel, acrylic, plexiglass, plastic. Production of firing punches. Production of 3D labels, medals and geocoins from patinated brass. Production of information systems. Gift engraving: lighters, liquor bottles, watches, pendants, cutlery, buttons, clips, knives. …

Guerilla Productions, s.r.o.

Production - video presentation Production - radio and TV commercials, short films and videos Graphic design Sound editing for movies and TV shows - sound design - musical composition - audio background for galleries, fashion shows and exhibition areas Complete stage design for trade fairs and presentation events

Hana Čechmánková

Plomby mechanické zabezpečení proti neutorizované manipulaci a identifikaci originálů Návrhy a výroba - billboardy - reklamní tabule Produktové etikety - polepy vozidel Bezpečnostní samolepky Potisk - textilie Digitální tisk - velkoplošný tisk Tisk - výroba produktových etiket

Hana Rakušanová

Správa nemovitostí - - reklamní agenturareklamní akce nově otevřené provozovny, výročí, nové produkty Výroba - tištěné audio (mluvené - rozhlasové) a video (televizní) reklamy (scénáře, mediaplány - harmonogramy nasazení) - zpravodajské, dokumentaristické a publicistické pořady (rádio, televize) Zajištění - kulturní pořady (koncerty, soutěže, plesy , účinkující,…

Václav Renza

Stickers for cars, motorbikes, trucks, buses - tuning stickers for cars, motorbikes, bikes - advertising sheets and banners - pasting shop windows - advertising signs and banners Imprint - textile t-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets Printing - business cards - leaflets - posters - logos Graphic designs - logos - business cards …

Mgr. Ilona Kasalová

Photo studio - advertisement - photographic services - photography and photography - advertising photo - product photo Reports Cover design - designs and implementation of packaging for products, including graphic works Creation - logos - advertising printed materials - catalogues - information leaflets - menu Graphic Design - graphic work -…

Tomáš Vozábal

Corporate identitylogotypy - firemní loga Polepy automobilů Tisk - vizitky - hlavičkové papíry - složky - letáky - prospekty - katalogy, ... Grafický design - DTPnávrhy - vizitky - hlavičkové papíry - obálky - složky, ... SEO optimalizace pro vyhledávače Výroba - www stránky - animované bannery - internetové obchody

Tomáš Činčala-Chimu - music production & advertising

Rental of professional lighting and sound equipment, including installation and operation during music production. City and municipal festivities, concerts, entertainment, corporate parties, children's programs, fashion shows with a large pier and other turnkey events. Original oldies party in a selected style, on request possible with analog turntables! Rental of a roofed podium 8x6m of…