Vážany 106,
68001 Vážany
Design, realization:
- wooden buildings.
- material for the construction of wooden buildings
- OSB boards, beams
- lumber, thermal insulation.

  • šrouby a matice, kotevní technika, závitové tyče, hřebíky a podložky, kovové spojovací prvky
  • výstavba dřevostaveb, mobilní příbytky na klíč, ekologické stavby, zakázková výroba, pasivní domy, úspora energií
  • elastické hydroizolační stěrky, izolační lepidla, spárovací hmoty, silikonové tmely, minerální plsť, izolační těsnění
  • hranoly a fošny, desky a střešní latě, stavební prkna

Czech Companies
Connecting material, Wooden constructions and mobile abodes, Insulating material, Building timber

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KOBE-cz s.r.o.

When you hear the word insulation, the majority of people apparently think of insulation made out of polystyrene, mineral wool and similar products. But did you know that there are insulation materials made from natural fibres such as hemp, flax, wool, cotton and jute? They truly exist. A look into the past reveals that natural materials were used regularly for buildings, and now they're making a comeback. In addition to their excellent insulating and other qualities, they also support a healthy environment and reduce adverse ecological impacts. The company KOBE-cz s.r.o. also works with these materials.