Štítného 1189,
54401 Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Opravy silničních vozidel
-Reklamní činnost, marketing, mediální zastoupení
-Velkoobchod a maloobchod
Poskytování nebo zprostředkování spotřebitelského úvěru

  • diagnostika vozidel, generální opravy motorů, výměna motorového oleje, opravy převodových skříní, výměna tlumičů, autoservisní služby
  • nebankovní hypotéky, úvěry ručené nemovitostí, ocenění nemovitostí, konsolidace půjček, vyplacení dražby, vyplacení exekuce
  • pronájem billboardů, realizace marketingových kampaní, budování značky, realizace marketingových průzkumů

Czech Companies
Complete car repairs, Mortgages, loans and leasing, Advertising agencies

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Evropská databanka s.r.o.

New company presentation abroad - be seen around the world!

We could talk for hours about the advantages of presenting companies in the company catalog. Most people, however, automatically imagine the Czech version of such a catalog, PR articles, offers and other means of promoting the company. In addition to addressing Czech waters, the European databank also offers its clients an effective presentation abroad through a new improved foreign presentation of companies. Today's article tells you how you can promote your business, its products and services with the European databank abroad.

Evropská databanka s.r.o.

The European databank brings a revolutionary change in the concept of corporate presentation

A well-designed website is the most important factor in the success of the products or services offered. Standing in today's competition is not easy, and it is necessary to address even seemingly unimportant details. The European databank offers a comprehensive solution for the promotion of your company and now comes with new services that will give you even more advantages over your competition.

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The company BERAN JIŘÍ autotransport has been in business for more than 25 years. Although the company focused primarily on national transport in the beginning, it has extended its services to include international transport due to strong client demand. Today, it is one of the leading companies in the field, with a large vehicle fleet, its own storage space including handling equipment as well as a large number of professional employees.