Boněcko I 290,
76001 Zlín
-Výroba kovových konstrukcí, kotlů, těles a kontejnerů
-Koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej.
-Povrchová úprava kovů v režimu živnosti volné.
-Výroba strojů a zařízení pro sportovní účely.
Zámečnictví, nástrojářství

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Alfa Container s.r.o.

Containers from Alfa Container s.r.o. as the key to success in modular buildings

Alfa Container s.r.o. brings to the market a revolutionary concept of modular buildings, which offers mobile containers as an efficient and fast solution for business, housing, building industry and many other areas. The company will transform your projects into a modular form and we will provide you with comprehensive documentation including floor plans, sections, electrical diagrams, as well as a foundation design adapted to the dimensions of your object.

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Alfa Container s.r.o.

Alfa Container s.r.o. brings to the market a revolutionary concept of modular buildings, which offers mobile containers as an efficient and fast solution for business, housing, building industry and many other areas. The company will transform your projects into a modular form and we will provide you with comprehensive documentation including floor plans, sections, electrical diagrams, as well as a foundation design adapted to the dimensions of your object.

MONTEMA, spol. s r.o.

Montema Otrokovice company carries out various assembly work, such as moving of machines, installation of steel structures, technological units and production lines in various industries. Most often, they are rubber industry, engineering or building, chemical and food industries.