Na Rokytce 1032/24,
18000 Praha 8
- intelligent heating system for family houses.

  • měření elektrické energie, vadný jistič, montáž elektroměru, revize nízkého napětí, elektroměrové rozvodnice
  • termoelektrické snímače teploty, odporové snímače teploty, revizní měřicí přístroje, servomotory a čidla, tlakové senzory a manometry

Czech Companies
Electrical work, Measuring and control equipment

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Nowadays, electricity meters are an essential part of our lives. We need them to measure our electricity consumption in residential houses, living quarters and administrative buildings, and they are also vital, for example, for energy management systems. Therefore, it is great to have a supplier you can rely on and which can deliver such devices every time you need them.