Skořenice 142,
56501 Choceň
Ladislav Šebetka - ECO CLIMATE

Headquarters in Chocna

Delivery and assembly:
- air conditioning for vehicles
- cabins of construction and agricultural machines, tractors, trucks
- the workplace of bus, locomotive, tram and trolleybus drivers
- air conditioning of buses, minibuses and ambulances
- air conditioning of living cells, control rooms, large excavators, vehicles with TV transmission technology, mobile homes and cars
- cooling of hearses
- air conditioning of containers and vehicles with special police and military equipment
- repairs of BOCK and BITZER compressors for bus air conditioners.
- repairs of LINNIG and LANG electromagnetic clutches

Production, repairs and deliveries:
- hoses for car and bus air conditioners
- supply of spare parts:
- ventilators
- dehydrator filter
- thermostats
- expansion valves
- pressure breakers
- projection of new products in the field of cooling and air conditioning technology according to customer requirements.

Sales and service of BOCK compressors

We operate in the Czech Republic, the Hungarian Republic, the Slovak Republic and Poland.

  • gumové výrobky, těsnicí materiály, technická pryž, gumové těsnicí prvky, těsnění topenářství a instalatérství
  • ponorná čerpadla, teplovodní čerpadla, hydrodynamická čerpadla, odstředivá čerpadla, kalová čerpadla, příslušenství pro kompresory
  • výroba vzduchotechnického kruhového potrubí, plynové ohřívače vzduchu, výroba tlumičů hluku, klimatizace bytů a kanceláří

Czech Companies
Rubber belts, hoses and seals, Pumps, compressors and high-pressure equipment, Air conditioning and ventilation