Sadová 208/37,
74601 Opava
We are a company from Opava and we provide customers with the supply, assembly and service of compressors and pneumatic tools.

We supply oil-piston compressors and oil-free piston compressors for the food industry.

We also supply screw compressors, even in versions with frequency converters.

We provide warranty and post-warranty service and supply of spare parts for all delivered compressors.

In our store you can see a permanent offer of accessories for compressors such as:

spiral hoses, quick couplings, blow guns, calibrated tire inflators, air filters,

oils for compressors, pressure switches, drain valves, safety valves.

In the assortment of pneumatic tools, we offer a wide range of products for any profession:

impact wrenches, spray guns, washing guns, cavity guns, air shank grinders, staplers, nailers, riveters, jackhammers, drills, angle grinders, ratchet wrenches, chipping hammers, nails for nailers, carpentry and upholstery clips for fasteners.

If the goods are not in stock, we will immediately order according to the customer's request.

We also carry out air distribution in halls and workshops.

We will create a proposal for customers and, depending on the situation, we will recommend distribution in plastic or aluminum.

Our services also include air treatment and associated components such as pressure regulators, air filters, lubricators, treatment units, air dryers.

We also have an abundance of connecting material:

automation couplings, elbows, T-pieces, Y-pieces, direct couplings, screw couplings, reduced couplings, throttle valves, nipples, reducers, hose mandrels, end caps, hoses, PU hoses.

  • profi nástroje, pásové brusky, aku vrtačky, elektrické nástroje, zahradnické nářadí, štípací kleště, zkoušečky napětí
  • výroba gumových pásů, klínové řemeny, distribuce gumových profilů, gumové podložky, gumové těsnicí pásky
  • vysokotlaká čisticí technika, tlaková čerpadla, kalová čerpadla, pístové kompresory, šroubové kompresory

Czech Companies
Tools, Rubber belts, hoses and seals, Pumps, compressors and high-pressure equipment

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Steeltec CZ, s.r.o.

Metal consumer goods are everywhere around us. These can be various sorts of tools, such as hoes, reapers, mowers, rakes, tillers, components for tractor assembly or to be used differently in engineering industry. All these products get to the customers through shops – which is, however, not where it all begins. Among the large-scale engineering businesses also belongs the STEELTEC company, which celebrates twenty years of existence within the Třinecké železárny complex this year. And it is STEELTEC that supplies its products to large purchasers. One of the patented inventions of this company is also the PET bottle press, which can now become an everyday help for your customers as well.


History of the Witzenmann company dates back to the year 1885. It was right then, when Heinrich Witzenmann, as the first one, invented metal hose and offered to the world something entirely new. Metal hoses and expansion joints quickly became a desirable commodity and the Witzenmann company thus also expanded very fast. Today it operates in 18 countries all around the world and provides to the customers not only quality products, but also top engineering, quality service and modern development centers. And Czech Republic is no exception to that. Witzenmann Opava offers metal hoses, metal expansion joints, metal bellows, stainless tubes with longitudinal seam and other.