Kischova 2338/12,
70030 Ostrava
-Výroba rozvaděčů nízkého napětí a baterií, kabelů a vodičů
-Koupě zboží za účelem jeho dalšího prodeje a prodej
Montáž, opravy, revize a zkoušky elektrických zařízení

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TOS ZNOJMO, akciová společnost

Quality gear wheels require absolute precision and thoroughness of manufacture

Precision is the key to success in the manufacture of many products. Such products must be created under special conditions. A typical example of these products are gear wheels for conveyor belts, electromotors or machine-tools, that simply have to be manufactured with absolute precision. Only then can they fulfill their purpose without any complications. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right manufacturing company with a quality machinery, experience and competent employees.