Zelená 1087/9,
16000 Praha 6
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  • cestovní agentury, pobytové zájezdy, poznávací zájezdy, kongresová turistika
  • realitní agentury, prodej bytů, prodej domů, pronájem nebytových prostor, asociace realitních kanceláří
  • silniční kola, tracková kola, horská kola, helmy, chrániče, příslušenství na kolo, potřeby pro cyklisty, cyklistický dres

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KITA - kulturní informační turistická a cestovní agentura

Train ride brings unconventional experience and detailed sightseeing tour of towns of Olomouc, Luhacovice and Hodonin

During a trip or a visit to a foreign city, you usually want to cope with as much as possible. You want to see the most important historic sights, take a look at historic squares, get to know atmosphere of a city, but also visit beautiful parks or zoos. However, how to manage everything in one day? We have a solution for you. The small sightseeing train Moravian dragon provides you with a tour of the most interesting places of towns of Olomouc, Luhacovice and Hodonin. The train ride is entertaining and informative, but also very comfortable. Thus you will see everything important without aching feet in the evening.