Lešná 2,
75641 Lešná
Gumárenská výroba:
- technická pryž
- automobilový průmysl autorohože, napínače plachet
- stavebnictví - gumová kladiva, dorazy dveří
- hadice, profily, těsnění, struky, krycí lišty, hadice
- domácnost - návleky na hole, gumové stěrky pro cukráře.

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Asociace gumárenské technologie Zlín s.r.o.

Rubberized rollers are an important part of all conveyor, packaging, winding and other industrial machines. Their design and quality plays an extremely important role in the operation of the whole device. The Asociace gumarenske technologie Zlin s.r.o. (AGT Zlin), which has been producing rubberized rollers for many years, has expanded its technological equipment and started to produce rubberized rollers with grooves. Compared to those with smooth surface, grooved rollers bring a wide range of benefits.