Ostrovského 1213/23,
15000 Praha 5 - Smíchov
Zámečnictví Jiří Volný focuses on the installation, replacement and opening of all types of locks. We are able to open slammed doors, security locks, a car and remove a broken key from the lock. We are based in Prague 5, Smíchov.

Locksmithing, work, services:
- assembly, replacement of locks and inserts
- installation of additional locks, bolts
- opening all types of locks
- opening locks, security locks and inserts
- opening a slammed, locked door
- opening of flats, cars
- opening of lock locks, boxes
- removing, removing the broken key
- building locksmithing.

Our company provides comprehensive locksmith services at a professional level. If you are interested, contact us, I am here for you.

  • zakázková kovovýroba, schodiště a zábradlí, brány a ploty, ocelové konstrukce, zámečnická výroba, služby zámečnictví
  • zámečnický servis, výroba klíčů, výroba autoklíčů, oprava autozámků, otevření bytu a auta, dveřní kování

Czech Companies
Locksmith work, Keys and locks

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