Budovcova 1346, 29001 Poděbrady Boxes from the Elbe. Sale - vegetables from farmers - boxes of vegetables weighing about 3-5kg.
Products prodej ovoce a zeleniny, sušené plody, exotické ovoce, ořechy a oříšky, kořenová zelenina produkce zeleniny, kořenová zelenina, cibulová zelenina, listová zelenina, lusková zelenina, plodová zelenina Czech Companies Fruit and vegetables, Vegetables
Maple Trade s.r.o. Import of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, onions, tomatoes, oranges, cabbage - Czech Republic
Zemědělské družstvo Všestary Onion wholesale onion production onion sale Czech quality onions, the Czech Republic
TRIAS CR s.r.o. TRIAS - sprinkling material - wholesale for bakeries and confectioneries, the Czech Republic