Čs. Armády 788/16, 16000 Praha 6 - Bubeneč Processing and delivery: - potatoes (peeled, vacuumed, sliced, boiled) - root vegetables (peeled, grated). Headquarters: - Lipník nad Bečvou, Mánesova 1382.
Products přímý import ovoce, exotické ovoce, brambory, saláty, sezónní zelenina, bylinky, suché plody produkce zeleniny, kořenová zelenina, cibulová zelenina, listová zelenina, lusková zelenina, plodová zelenina Czech Companies Fruit and vegetables, Vegetables
Maple Trade s.r.o. Import of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, onions, tomatoes, oranges, cabbage - Czech Republic
Zemědělské družstvo Všestary Onion wholesale onion production onion sale Czech quality onions, the Czech Republic
TRIAS CR s.r.o. TRIAS - sprinkling material - wholesale for bakeries and confectioneries, the Czech Republic