Mečislavova 164/7,
14000 Praha 4
-Production, reproduction, distribution, sale, rental of audio and audio-visual recordings and production of unrecorded data carriers and recordings
-Machinery and equipment production
- Mediation of business and services
-Wholesale and retail
- Activities of information and intelligence offices
- Renting and lending of movable property
-Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments
-Preparation and elaboration of technical proposals, graphic and drawing work
- Designing electrical equipment
-Advertising activity, marketing, media representation
-Design, design, arrangement activities and modeling
-Photographic services
- Extracurricular education and training, organization of courses, training, including lecturing activities
-Operation of cultural, cultural-educational and entertainment facilities, organization of cultural productions, entertainment, exhibitions, fairs, shows, sales and similar events
-Repairs and maintenance of household items, objects of a cultural nature, fine mechanical products, optical instruments and gauges
-Testing, measurement, analysis and control
-Services in the field of administrative administration and services of an organizational and economic nature
-Manufacturing, trade and services not elsewhere classified
-Publishing activities, polygraphic production, bookbinding and copying work
- Provision of software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals

  • geodetické práce, vytyčování stavebních objektů, inženýrská geodézie, projektování geologických prací, provádění geologických prací, hydrogeologické průzkumy, inženýrsko - geologické průzkumy
  • svatební fotografie, ateliérové fotografování, exteriérové fotografování, produktové fotografie, retušování fotek
  • překládání do světových jazyků, konsekutivní a simultánní tlumočení, soudní ověření překladu, překladatelé a tlumočníci
  • výroba hasicích přístrojů, revize hasicích přístrojů, prodej hydrantových systémů, požární bezpečnostní značení

Czech Companies
Geodesic and geological services, Architectural and design services, Photographic studios, Translation and interpreting services, Fire equipment

Current offers

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A good event will be talked about for a week afterwards. A great event will be remembered for a long time. Although, so little is sufficient to achieve perfection - to contact SAN SERVICE company. Who are we? A professional agency engaged in organizing of conferences having style. Make sure of that as well.

PAVUS, a.s.

Expert opinions issued on the basis of verification of properties with respect to stability, safety and compliance with technical parameters according to relevant standards are an integral part of an approval process of construction products or structures. PAVUS company, holding valid permissions for assessment of building products, carries out all the certification and inspection activities.