EDB recommends

Potoční 1091,
73801 Frýdek-Místek
Architektonický a projekční ateliér.
Projekce, projektant:
- stavební
- pozemní stavby, komunikace
- rekonstrukce (i památky)
- vnitřní instalace
- čistírny odpadních vod, (ČOV)
- plynové kotelny, plynofikace
- inženýrské sítě.

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KMT International, s.r.o.

Running a modern rail transportation is inextricably connected to quality and efficient maintenance of the track superstructure, especially to renovation of worn tramway and railway rails. During the operation itself the biggest wear and tear occurs in exposed places, such as tramway curves in city transport, or railroad switches and crossings (frogs, wing rails, switch blades), and that applies for tramway as well as for railway tracks.