Lipinka 22,
78383 Lipinka
Currently, the engineering office focuses on design work in the field of industrial, energy and heating equipment, measurement and control, machinery technology, cogeneration units, renewable sources, bioelectric and biopower plants and district heating (central heat supply). Processing of input documents for energy audits, processing of proposals for technical solutions and concepts, proposals for control systems, independent project manager.

Investment construction

- cogeneration units

- energy equipment

Measurement and control

Consulting activity

- energy and control systems

Engineering and investment activities

- area of heating, energy, DH (central heat supply of cities and municipalities) coordination and management activities of proposals

- technology and concept of technical solution

- management systems, including follow-up technical assistance

- preparation of implementation projects and their opposition

- performance of an independent project manager and technical supervision of the investor within the combined energy production (cogeneration unit) and biogas plants

- valid ČKAIT authorization

Renewable energy sources


- heating plants

Energy audits of technical data processing

Machine technology

  • školení projektových manažerů, zavedení projektového řízení, řízení kvality projektů, audit projektů
  • inženýrské sítě, vodovodní řády, kanalizace, vodovodní potrubí, plynovodní přípojky, veřejné osvětlení, montáž plynovodů
  • energetická úspora, provoz elektrické přípojky, údržba energetických zařízení, dodávky energie
  • dodávka tepla do domácností, teplárenské služby, rozvod tepla, teplá užitková voda, správa teplovodní sítě

Czech Companies
Project management, Engineering networks, Energetics, Heat and power production