Jinačovice 504,
66434 Jinačovice
The main content of our company is bookbinding and printing. We will provide you with prints of business cards, flyers, envelopes, newspapers, annual reports, notepads, letterheads, we will produce brochures, calendars, diaries, advertising items, etc. We cooperate with Helma 365, Presco Group, OT Hořovice publishing houses. We offer low-cost black-and-white and color printing, screen printing, embossing, V1, V2, V3 bindings, TWIN ring binding, hot lamination, die-cuts, offset printing, pad printing, gilding, etc.

Manufacturing program
-table and wall calendars
- diaries
-wishes: New Year's, wedding, condolence, general etc.
- corporate brochures
- letterheads and envelopes
-business cards
-brochures, notebooks, scripts, ring-bound books
- leaflets or newspapers
- boxes
-beer coasters, rosettes for coffee
-pads, receipts, etc.

  • prodej reklamních předmětů, potisk reklamních předmětů, dárkové balení pro reklamní předměty
  • ofsetový tisk, digitální tisk, polygrafická výroba, tisk katalogu, tisk novin a časopisů, tisk etiket, tiskárna
  • beletrie, červená knihovna, dětské knihy, materiály pro gymnázia, mapy a kalendáře, knihy o vaření, kuchařky, detektivní knihy
  • zboží pro školu, kancelářský sortiment, školní sešity, poznámkové bloky, papírové obaly, papíry a kartony

Czech Companies
Promotional items, Printing works, Books and textbooks, Stationery, Paper products

Current offers

Current articles

iMi Partner, a.s.

We know that non-traditional advertising can appeal a large number of potential customers without any further effort. It is sufficient to capture attention of only a single person who will become enthusiastic about the original idea. Just they can be a key link for establishment of future collaboration. However, how to attract attention to this extent that your brand will start to spread like an avalanche? Original promotional items are really ideal means.