Hradební 819,
50002 Hradec Králové
Lectures on topics

Tibetan Medicine TIENS

- detoxification medicine according to MUDr. JONAS

- diagnosis of toxic burdens of the organism, complete instructions for detoxification and nutrition of the organism

- information about

- effectiveness of preparations

- the level of cholesterol in your body

- the state of the skeletal system, there is no danger

- if osteoporosis

- the state of the metabolism of animal fats and proteins, vegetable fats and proteins, simple and complex sugars and also how it is with the metabolism of gluten

- the state of your major and minor organs

- the state of the immune, lymphatic, hormonal, vegetative nervous and nervous systems

- in which organs there are free infections and in which there are infectious foci

- which foods are suitable for you and which are not


- herbal information preparations

Deep psychotherapy RUS


- consulting in the field of health and nutrition

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Zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Ostravě

Hygienic laboratory will take care of water analysis

Water analysis is an important part of hygienic laboratories' activities. They are sought-after by individuals and households as well as by companies and hygienists. Water analysis can reveal many things and can greatly help with a rectification of deficiencies, if there are any. Detecting water quality in a well is certainly not the only reason for such an analysis. The Public Health Institut, headquartered in Ostrava, is also well aware of that and, among other, deals with such analyses.