Jablunkov 510,
73991 Jablunkov
- soustružení
- frézování
- broušení
- vrtání
- obrážení.
Svářečské práce.
Nákladní doprava s jeřábovým ramenem - tuzemská.

  • doprava nákladů po ČR, kamionová přeprava, nadrozměrné náklady, přeprava sypkých materiálů
  • opravy po vloupání, drátěné a bezpečnostní sklo, okamžité otevírání všech typů vozidel, výměny zámků a spínacích skříní
  • povrchové úpravy kovů, opracování kovových materiálů, broušení dokulata, obrysové a souřadnicové broušení, cnc obrábění
  • vystružování kovů, frézování kovových součástek, frézařské práce, soustružnické automaty, zakázková kovovýroba
  • svařování vrat, svařování bran, svařování zábradlí, svařování schodišť, svařování regálů, opravy svařováním, svařování konstrukcí velkých hal, svářečské práce

Czech Companies
Inland freight transport, Locksmith work, Grinding work, Machining, turning and milling work, Welding work

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Přidal s.r.o.

Transport trolley for electric cars: why it could be useful for you and what are its advantages?

Electric cars are an increasingly popular and modern mode of transport that offers many advantages for the environment, economy and health. However, they require special conditions and care, especially during their transportation. If you are looking for a practical and reliable conveyor for your immobile electric car, for whatever reason, read about the transport trolleys for electric cars from Přidal s.r.o., which provide a number of advantages.

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Garantrans s.r.o.

Transporting large building structures is not an easy thing. For such tasks companies usually have to call specialists, who have the transport of large and heavy cargo in their fingertips. Oversize transport of trusses or concrete parts is one of the issues that the Garantrans company will help you solve. They are familiar with all means of transport, no matter if it is on land, water, by railway or air.

Promet Logistics a.s.

The need of domestic and international transport is truly significant these days. If you are in need of domestic or international transport, use the services of the PROMET LOGISTICS a.s. company, which has been operating within this field since 2007. The company focuses on international transport all around the world. It gained its know-how by providing transportation for the PROMET GROUP a.s. company, whose business activities require international and domestic transportation across Western and Central Europe, as well as in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

KMT International, s.r.o.

Running a modern rail transportation is inextricably connected to quality and efficient maintenance of the track superstructure, especially to renovation of worn tramway and railway rails. During the operation itself the biggest wear and tear occurs in exposed places, such as tramway curves in city transport, or railroad switches and crossings (frogs, wing rails, switch blades), and that applies for tramway as well as for railway tracks.