Products stavby bytových domů, rodinné domky na klíč, rezidenční bydlení, nové družstevní byty stavební činnost, zateplení objektů, výměna oken a dveří, úspora energie, estetický vzhled budovy Czech Companies New residential construction, Reconstruction and revitalization
SLUNEČNÁ ALEJ - rodinné domy Construction of new turnkey family houses - desired location, lands with a southern orientation, the Czech Republic
SLUNEČNÁ ALEJ - rodinné domy Construction and sale of above-standard houses with large plots –the Slunecna alej project the Czech Republic
KOMA FACADE s.r.o. GA-SYSTEM ®, all-aluminium skylights, manufacturing on CNC machines Brno, the Czech Republic
Construction of new turnkey family houses - desired location, lands with a southern orientation, the Czech Republic SLUNEČNÁ ALEJ - rodinné domy
Construction and sale of above-standard houses with large plots –the Slunecna alej project the Czech Republic SLUNEČNÁ ALEJ - rodinné domy
GA-SYSTEM ®, all-aluminium skylights, manufacturing on CNC machines Brno, the Czech Republic KOMA FACADE s.r.o.