Základní škola Npor.Loma Příbor Školní 1510 okres Nový Jičín, příspěvková organizace
Elementary school Npor.Loma Příbor Školní 1510 district Nový Jičín, contributory organization provides comprehensive basic education from 1st to 9th grade. At present, the school has 18 grades from the 1st to the 9th grade (ten at the 1st grade and eight at the 2nd grade), and is attended by more than 400 pupils. In addition to the classic classes at the school, you will find a specialist office in computer science, physics, chemistry, music education, art education, geography, foreign languages, as well as a training kitchen and workshop. Physical education classes take place in two gyms, which are complemented by an indoor running track and an outdoor sports complex.
Pupils regularly take part in sports competitions (they have achieved the greatest success in basketball competitions and also in Sazka Olympic all-around) and knowledge competitions in science subjects (Czech language, history, geography, chemistry and mathematics).
The school also includes a school canteen and a school club (4 departments).
The school has wheelchair access.
You can find the school at Školní 1510, Příbor.
Pupils regularly take part in sports competitions (they have achieved the greatest success in basketball competitions and also in Sazka Olympic all-around) and knowledge competitions in science subjects (Czech language, history, geography, chemistry and mathematics).
The school also includes a school canteen and a school club (4 departments).
The school has wheelchair access.
You can find the school at Školní 1510, Příbor.
Naši základní školu navštěvuje více než 400 žáků
V současné době má škola 18 tříd, deset na 1. stupni a osm na 2. stupni
Součástí školy je také školní jídelna a družina
Žáci se pravidelně účastní sportovních a vědomostních soutěží
Elementary schools
Základní škola
Komplexní základní vzdělání od 1. po 9. třídu
Školní jídelna
Školní družina