EDB recommends

Husova 415,
29401 Bakov nad Jizerou
Company SPS service and programming of machines, s.r.o. focuses on programming automation technology or control systems and creating visualizations. We offer a complete supply of application technologies such as cabins and workplaces including air handling units, automatic robotic stations for surface treatment, control and monitoring systems. We provide technology completely, of course there is an electrical project, delivery of switchboards and electrical components. We also provide installation, programming of control or visualization processes, professional service and eventual service readiness or supply of spare parts.

Activity, installation, service:
 - application systems, control and monitoring systems
 - anticorrosive preservation
 - electrical, design, electrical design work in CAD EPLAN system
 - electrical installation work, production and construction of switchboards
 - programming of control systems (Siemens, GE-IP, Modicon)
 - programming of visualization and complex control systems (Siemens WinCC, GE-IP Cimplicity HMI, Wonderware InTouch)
 - service readiness
 - preventive care, cleaning of control and distribution systems.

Automation technology, delivery, assembly, service:
 - application cabins and workplaces including air handling units and supply of operating media
 - corrosion preservation, production preservation equipment
 - automatic robotic stations suitable for surface treatment.
Our company will provide visualization of control processes based on control panels with products from Siemens, GE - IP, Sutron Resotec, Schneider Electric, Zenon. Electrical design work is carried out in CADEPLAN 5 and P8 systems, programming work in the field of control systems Siemens Simatic, GE-IP, Schneider Electric, Mitsubischi. If you are interested in our offer of services, please contact us, we are located at Husova 415, Bakov nad Jizerou.

  • komponenty elektrických přístrojů, navigační technika, napájecí zdroje, součástky pro elektroniku, transformátory a tranzistory
  • opravy a výměny jističů, opravy spotřebičů, rekonstrukce elektrických rozvodů, rozsáhlé montáže a revize, instalace jističů
  • vývoj programů, řešení software, tvorba programového vybavení, projektování počítačových sítí, podnikové výpočetní systémy
  • paletizační roboty, konzolové roboty, svařovací roboty, lakovací roboty, manipulační roboty
  • linka na výrobu pelet, granulační linka, linky do mlékárenské výroby, výrobny krmných směsí

Czech Companies
Electronic devices and components, Electrical work, Programming and computer services, Industrial robots and manipulators, Technological lines